Page 80 of Only a Chance

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“Antarctica?” I laughed.

“You never know,” he said, grinning at me.

“I love it,” I told him, carefully folding the map back up and setting on the table next to the bed. “I love you.”

He pulled me close and kissed me. “I love you too.”

“When should we start our adventures?” I asked. I needed to get to Costa Rica in the next two weeks.

“I’m going right now,” he said, ducking under the covers and shifting his weight, pulling me down onto my back as I shrieked.

He pushed my T-shirt up my torso, and covered my stomach with kisses, lingering on one breast as his hand cupped the other, his thumb working in tandem with his tongue as I arched beneath him.

“How do you do that?”

Archie could take me from zero to desperate in less time than it took me to form a sentence.

His only answer was to slide lower, his hands and mouth everywhere as I lost the thread of my thoughts. My body was like an instrument he’d been training to play his entire life, and when his tongue swiped one hot, long stroke across my most sensitive parts, I moaned with pleasure.

Soon, Archie’s tongue was working me as his fingers arched inside me, coaxing me ever closer to a release I didn’t even know I was capable of after I’d climaxed so many times already.

“Oh god,” I moaned, vaguely recognizing that if my next-door neighbors weren’t out of town, I’d probably have to move after the non-stop noise we’d made the last few days. “Oh my god.”

Archie’s relentless rhythm continued, and everything inside me coiled, tensed, tightened, until he shifted something infinitesimally, and I exploded beneath him. Streaks of light and dark shot across my eyelids, and I let the sensations work through me, savoring every second.

“I don’t know how you do that,” I whispered. Archie had pulled more orgasms from my body in the last two days than I knew I was capable of having, and I felt boneless and more relaxed than I could remember being. It was reciprocal, of course. I’d done my fair share of giving, and realized that one of my favorite pastimes was making this careful man lose control completely beneath my hands or my mouth, or my body. It made me feel powerful and sexy.

“I don’t know,” he said, his head joining the pillow next to me as he smiled. “I’m just glad I can. I don’t think there’s anything I like doing more.”

I sighed, rolling into his arms again. We lay there, dozing, as the light shifted yet again in my room, and the next time I woke, it was to a gnawing ache inside me.

“Hey,” I said, jostling the handsome man with the messy red hair. “Wake up, Archie.”

One of his eyes popped open and a slow, sexy smile spread over his lips. “Every time I wake up, I worry it was all just a dream.”

“I’m real,” I laughed. “And I’m really hungry.”

“Hmm.” He stretched and yawned, and then sat up. “Me too.” He looked around the room, and then glanced down at me. “What day is it?”

I sat up and looked around too, as if the answer would be there on the walls of my room. “Umm, Saturday? Maybe Sunday.”

He frowned. “Do you think we should venture out into the world and see?”

I sighed, part of me sad to leave our private nest. “Probably should. I feel like anything could have happened in the world and we wouldn’t know.”

“Okay,” he said. “It’s decided. We have sex three more times and then go out.” He flopped back, pulling me with him.

“Archie,” I whined. “I can’t. I’ll die of starvation. We have to go now.”

He tightened his hold on me and kissed me hard, and then let me go. “Okay, fine.”

“I’m gonna shower really fast.” I hopped out of bed and showered, eager anticipation making this all seem like a fantasy. I pulled my damp hair into a knot and swept on sunscreen, mascara, and lip gloss after brushing my teeth.

“My turn.” Archie was even quicker, and soon we were back in the elevator, heading downstairs.

“Remember our first time in an elevator together?” Archie asked me, taking my hand and kissing the palm.

Shivers went through me as I looked up at him. “Of course. I like being in elevators with you. I’m just glad none of the elevators after the first one got stuck.”

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