Page 39 of Only a Chance

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“More,” she whispered, and I lifted my hand, sliding it inside the soft fabric of her panties, and letting my fingers delve into her wet folds, teasing all the way down to her entrance and back up, lingering at the hard nub of nerves I found at the top.

“Yesss,” she said, her eyes finding mine as I alternated the pressure and motion of my fingers. “Oh, god, yes.” Her encouragement and obvious enjoyment were hotter than anything I could have imagined.

I focused on the task, trying to ignore the throb of my own need and losing myself in the soft cries and moans coming from Emily. When I sensed she needed just a bit more, I slid off the slip of satin she still wore and positioned myself between her legs for better access, driving my own need into the mattress for the moment,

When my mouth took her, my fingers sliding inside her at the same time, she bucked and cried out. And it took only a few seconds of work, my mouth and fingers mirroring the rhythm I set, before she stilled and then cried out, louder now, and then she pulsed around me, her release driving my own desire to an almost unbearable point.

“Shit,” she whispered as I climbed back up her body, wiping my mouth against my shoulder. “Shit.” She grinned at me. “You should feel pretty proud of yourself about now,” she said.

“I do, actually.” I settled at her side, kissing her once more.

“I hope you don’t think we’re done.”

The words stoked the barely faded need inside me, and my erection surged. I rolled, pressing it against her. “I was hoping we weren’t.”

“This will sound forward, but I’ll just say it.” Her eyes dropped shut. “I’m on birth control and I haven’t been with anyone in a while, and my last tests were clear.” She scrunched her face up like she was waiting for me to laugh—or to jump up in offense. And then one eye popped open to look at me.

“I haven’t been with anyone in years. Was clean then, so I’m clean now,” I told her.

“Years?” Emily sounded surprised, but not disappointed.

“Yeah.” I really didn’t want to explain at that moment, because her hand was sliding beneath my waistband. When she wrapped my length in her warm soft hand, I couldn’t contain the groan that left me.

Emily pushed me to my back, throwing a leg over my hips, and then she moved lower, pressing my underwear from my hips. I squirmed to help and kicked them off. She sat up, my erection in her hands between us as she straddled me, looking down with an expression on her face I couldn’t read.

In the next second, I stopped trying because any spare capacity my brain had was focused on not shooting off within three seconds of her beginning to stroke me. She used both hands, and they worked in leisurely pumps, sending every nerve in my body vibrating.

Her hands were strong and soft, and the way she moved over me, tight and hot, then softly caressing the tip, had me desperate to pump up into her fist. The sheer animal urge to fuck was taking over, and I was doing my very best to hold back. I wanted to show her that I had at least a little self-control, and hopefully make it good for her too.

When she leaned down, scooting backward, I read her intent. As much as I wanted her mouth on me, I knew I wouldn’t make it long if she did that. “Oh god, no. I won’t last,” I confessed.

She smiled up at me, gave my dick one long, lingering lick that was like fire to my veins, and then moved back up my body, dragging the slick wet heat of her center over me before notching me at her entrance.

“Fuck, you’re so hot,” I murmured.

My words seemed to spur her on, because she pressed back then, only a millimeter or two, and the very tip of my erection met the fiery softness of her, sending shocks of want through me.

I bucked upward, seeking more, needing to drive myself into her.

But she moved back.

“You’re killing me.” I ground the words out, desperate to slide into her, to feel her around me, gripping me.

“Not my intention,” she said, and I watched her face as she slid onto me again, lower this time, but still maddeningly not enough. Her eyes dropped shut, and her mouth fell open in a little round oh that was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

I pumped up again, and again, she held back.

My hands slid to her hips, pinning her in place and she moved downward once more, this time taking more of me, but still not enough. I fought the urge to pin her in place, to fuck up into her over and over.

God, I was burning with need. I’d never been on edge like this, and even though it was incredible, tantalizing, so fucking hot... I was one hundred percent certain I was going to lose my mind.

“Fuck,” I let out as she moved off again. “Fuck I want you.”

“Yeah?” her word was a breathy tease, and she slid onto me again, slowly—so fucking slowly—but she didn’t stop this time. And as each tiny bit of me was welcomed into the searing heat of her body, I wanted more. She moved down, and I tried to hold back, feeling each tiny bit of my cock enveloped in the sweet hot softness of her until I couldn’t take it.

I gripped her hard and pumped, taking myself the rest of the way, feeling the base of my cock seated against her body.

“Ohhh,” she moaned as I held myself there, letting her acclimate, battling with my self control. “Ohh god,” she said, dropping her head so that her hair spilled across my chest.

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