Page 60 of Shaking the Sleigh

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"You too," we said, almost in unison, before heading for the elevator.

"Don't crack too many nuts up there!" Annabelle added, giggling. April and I exchanged a look and then burst into laughter as the elevator doors closed on the lobby.

"My room isn't exactly… " April began, opening her door for me.

"I've seen it," I reminded her.

"Right, but it's just…it's not very homey."

"And for a hotel room in the most over-decorated inn on earth, it's painfully unChristmassy."

April shrugged, dropping her coat over the chair once we’d entered. "Yeah. Sorry."

I smiled at her, and pulled a garland from where she'd stuffed it behind the armchair. "I can help." I crossed the room and draped it over the headboard, and then flicked the switch on it to turn on the lights. "There you go, that's a start."

"Yeah, that won't keep me awake," she said, smiling.

"I wasn't planning on letting you get much sleep anyway," I said, and everything in my body came alive when April pressed herself into my arms in response.

"Come on wizard," she whispered. "Keep me awake."

I held her against me, reaching behind her to unzip the velvet dress that had been holding in her delicious curves all night. The dress accentuated her softness, and rubbing my hands from her waist over the gorgeous swell of her ass under the soft material had me harder than I could ever remember being. Now, with the dress pooled at her ankles and April in my arms wearing only some very small, very lacy underthings, I thought there was a chance I might pass out, since all the blood in my body had clearly migrated to my wizardly dick.

"God, you're beautiful," I said, my tone holding all the worship I felt for the woman in front of me. I stepped back to admire her, and when she kicked away the pool of her dress, wearing black lace and high red heels, my heart stopped for a moment. "Fucking perfect."

"You're not so bad, either," she said, her eyes meeting mine and holding my gaze as her hands came up to push the jacket from my shoulders. We held each other's eyes as she loosened my tie, finally sliding it from around my neck and tossing it to the chair to meet her coat. She stepped nearer still, going up on her toes to kiss me while her fingers worked down the buttons of my shirt and my hands slid along the expanse of soft silken skin on her back. She pulled my shirttails from my trousers and pushed my shirt off of him.

Except she hadn't remembered to remove the cufflinks. Now my hands were trapped in the hanging shirt, leaving me laughing as I held them up for her to see.

"Oh crap," she said, her glittering eyes full of humor. "I'm no good at the sexy disrobing, evidently."

I chuckled and fished for the cufflinks, pulling off the shirt and tossing it aside. "You're doing fine," I said, stepping close enough to press my erection into April's hip.

"Oh," she said, sucking in a sharp breath. "Well then." Her hands dropped low to unfasten my belt and press my trousers and briefs from my hips, her eyes widening in fascination as my eager cock sprang free, standing at attention. For a moment, she stared at it, and just when I was about to feel a bit uncomfortable, she grinned up at me and tilted her head to one side. "That's a pretty impressive staff, there, wizard."

"Think so?" My heart was pounding in my ears, I wanted her so badly. But part of what I loved was this—this irreverent and unexpected humor. April was many things, but she was never predictable.

"Can you perform any magical spells with this?" she asked, gripping me tightly in one hand, sending my balls tight up against my body, ready to explode. I took a deep breath, fighting for control.

"I'm glad you asked," I growled. I scooped her up then, and her hand released me, but its absence was replaced by the firm heft of her body against my chest. I deposited her on the bed, heels and all, and took a moment to let my eyes wander the length of her. "Abra cadabra," I said, moving to rest above her, my knees on either side of her thighs and my hands slipping beneath her. I deftly unclasped her bra and tossed it aside.

"That was impressive," she said in a breathy voice.

"Just wait," I chuckled, and a moment later, I’d slipped down between her legs, easing her panties to one side so I could perform several tricks I knew in the soft folds of her, my tongue and fingers working in unison until she was arching off the bed, her legs shaking on either side of me, one of those sexy-as-hell shoes digging into my back as she cried out my name.

Feeling her come, being here, as close as I could get to her without being inside her, with her scent and her skin and her taste flooding my senses, I was close to coming myself. I had to force my mind away a bit, to things that were slightly less arousing, so that I didn't humiliate himself on her bedspread.

"I want you," she breathed. "So, so much."

I could think of little else, and as I climbed up to press kisses along the gorgeous soft swell of her belly, between her breasts and over her collarbone, my wizard's staff was howling at me to just get to the main event already. But I was intent on taking my time, even if it killed me.

We’d used a condom every time so far, and as I reached for my pants, where I’d stuck a few into my wallet in optimism that I might end up in exactly this spot, April said, "no."

I froze. She didn't want this? My attention went to my iron-hard dick. Oh god. I could stop now. Of course I could. But it wasn't going to be fun. I looked back up at her, meeting her eye. "You want me to stop?" I tried not to make my voice desperate.

"God, no," she said, her own voice a moan. "I just don't want a condom. I want to feel you. All of you."

Shit. I had to give my eager dick a hard squeeze to keep it from exploding at those words. "But…"

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