Page 39 of Shaking the Sleigh

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"I'll be honest," I said. "I'd much rather just kiss you."

April's pretty lips pulled wide and a little dimple appeared on each side of them, and I couldn't resist bending my head to kiss her again. And then I led her to the bedroom, which was actually decorated for the holidays. The new furniture hadn't all arrived for this room yet, but I waved April in toward a very large sleigh bed against the far wall.

Looking around, April's lips curved up again. "Nice bed," she said.

"Thanks. They just set it up."

"Um, so…"

I pulled her toward the bed, a feat easily accomplished since there was no other furniture in the room at all. There was, however a wreath on the door and a small tree glowing in the corner. "The rest will come sometime this week," I said. "But I think this puts the focus nicely on the main attraction."

"It's a sleigh," April pointed out, running one hand over the curve of the footboard.

"I guess that's kind of our thing," I said, hoping I wasn't going too far. We weren't exactly a couple. Could we really have a "thing?"

April turned and climbed onto the thick ash grey coverlet, crawling to the center of the huge bed. I watched, my eyes nearly popping from my head as she moved, her ass on perfect display as she crawled away from me across the expanse of my bed. My jeans felt about three sizes too small in one particular area. I had an offhanded thought about the Grinch's heart—hadn't it been a few sizes too small? But thoughts of the Grinch were quickly overshadowed by April turning to me and crooking a finger for me to follow.

We hadn't turned on the overhead light—the glow from the tree lit the room in a warm bath of golden light and it was enough to see by. I moved to where April sat in the center of the bed, and knelt in front of her, taking her face between my palms and kissing her gently.

She responded immediately, leaning into me, her arms pulling me near and the heat between us pushing away the chillier air of the bedroom, which didn't benefit from the glow of the warm fire downstairs.

As I slid my hands up April's soft skin beneath the big sweater she wore, I asked, "Are you cold? I can turn up the heat."

April looked at me and grinned. "Yep. We better turn up the heat." She dropped her hands to the hem of her sweater and pulled it off over her head. I watched in fascination as all that dark hair fell back around her shoulders, framing the lacy red bra she wore perfectly. My hands went to the lacy straps and I lightly traced them down to the gloriously full cups.

"Holiday underwear?"

She pressed her lips together and tilted her head at me. "Me? No. Just happens to be red."

"I like it," I said, pressing her backward and showing her exactly how much I liked it by exploring every inch of the lacy garment before removing it from her body. April's hands pulled at my shirt, and I sat up to unbutton it and remove it, flinging it to one side as April found my belt and began working the buckle. A moment later, we were each undressed, pulling back the coverlet to burrow together beneath it against the cold.

I forgot the chill the moment April's naked body was pressed up against my own, and we kissed and caressed, generating plenty of warmth between us. "If you have no furniture in here, where do you keep the condoms?" April asked, her voice almost raspy.

"What makes you think we're going to have sex?" I asked, feigning surprise as one hand continued its steady circular rub between April's legs.

Between breathy gasps and little moans, April almost missed the joke, but she managed to open her eyes long enough to shoot me an evil look. "There's an appropriate time for jokes."

"We've passed that time, haven't we?"

"We have."

"Be right back." I slid from between the sheets and walked into the attached bathroom, conscious of April's eyes following me there. I’d once won an award for best pro soccer ass, so I had no self-consciousness about her watching my butt, even though it had been a while since I’d had a decent workout. Those were the kind of assets people were just born with. I returned, three condoms in hand, much more conscious of her eyes on the front of my body. I hadn't won any awards for that particular physical asset, but I felt like I probably would if any were available. I slid back in beside her.

"You look good, Callan," April practically hummed it, and the compliment sent a pleased rush of warmth through me.

"So do you," I said, meaning it. I pulled her close and kissed her again, nearly losing it when her hand slipped low, grasping me between the legs. "Shit," I moaned without meaning to.

"Is this okay?" She asked, stroking me firmly.

"More than okay. That's…ah…" Shit. I was losing the ability to speak.

"Do you want me to put on the condom?" April asked, and I opened one eye to look at her. Part of me suspected I was just having a very elaborate dream, because a gorgeous girl like April holding my cock and asking if I’d like her to put the condom on was definitely something I’d have happen in a fantasy.

I smiled. "Okay."

She slid over my thighs, straddling me, and I struggled for control at the sight of her above me, her breasts standing up pert and beautiful, the heat of her center radiating enough that I could feel it on the base of my cock. She was still stroking me with her hand, and when she plucked the condom from the bed and ripped it open, I almost groaned at the loss of her touch. But it was back a moment later, steadily rolling the condom down the length of me.

She leaned forward then and kissed me hard, removing her mouth to say one more thing that practically had me spurting. "I'm big on consent," she said. "So do I have your consent to fuck you now?"

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