Page 46 of Happily Ever Hers

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Soon,Ryan and I were sitting next to the window, with Alison in front of us, perched on a stool like an over-alert seagull, waiting for either of us to drop something it might grab and digest. Jace had come into the room a few minutes after we'd been seated, and his eyes had glanced over me as if I was just another piece of furniture in the parlor. They'd hung for a moment too long, however, on Ryan.

A little jolt of satisfaction popped to life in me, as much as I didn't want it to. He hadn't returned my texts, he hadn't spoken to me since last night. At least that lingering glance, in which his eyes had darkened with what looked like anger, meant he did see me. He did care. In some way, at least.

I sighed, but just as I was telling myself to relax, Chessy skittered into the room, flapping her wings and chattering. Jack stepped in just behind her, looking exasperated.

Alison turned her head in horror, and Jack mouthed "sorry" to her just before Chessy shrieked and launched herself at Alison, maybe deciding she was a rival for Jack's affection.

"Chessy!" Tess screamed, sprinting into the room after the chicken, pulling her from Alison's legs, where the chicken was trying to peck her to death. Alison was teetering on top of the high stool, her legs pulled up under her. At least if she decided to write about our crazy chicken, she’d have less space for delving into my life.

"What is that thing?" she hissed.

Tess managed to grab Chessy and held the irate house chicken to her chest. "This is Chessy," she said, as if it was completely normal to have a house chicken attacking guests.

Alison hadn't relaxed any at this explanation. "Why is it inside?"

"She's an indoor chicken," Tess said. She glanced at me, but I couldn't offer any help and Alison did not look mollified. Tess's eyes rounded and she gave me one last pleading glance before she said, "It's very trendy here in Maryland."

I nodded helpfully.

"Really?" Alison asked, relaxing slightly.

"Oh yes," Tess said, evidently getting comfortable with her insanity. "You should see all the fancy ladies out at lunch with their hens in designer bags. I'm surprised they're not doing it in California yet." I cringed, but Tess barreled ahead. "It's a nod to environmentalism and the humane treatment of animals, and antibiotics ..."


"Interesting," Alison said. I stared at her as she jotted down Tess's muddled explanation.

"I'm sorry, I thought Chessy was out of the way," she said, taking Chessy toward the kitchen.

"Sorry," I added, leaning in toward Alison. I wondered if insane chicken husbandry was going to make it into the article. Now all we needed was Gran ambling in, smoking a joint and screaming at children in her online game.

"Not to worry," she said. "Very interesting."

I could feel Jace watching from across the room, his eyes heavy as they took in the way Ryan and I sat close together, our legs touching.

"So tell me," Alison said, looking up at us then. A wiry man with glasses and a camera was filming us from just behind her. "Tell us what it was like, when you first knew you had more than just onscreen chemistry with Ryan McDonnell." She raised her eyebrows and grinned, as if imagining herself with Ryan.

I wanted to tell her she had a shot, that she could have him. I forced myself to keep my eyes from Jace, standing dark and handsome in the far corner of the room. "It wasn't love at first sight really," I said. "I mean, I'd seen Ryan of course—who hadn't? He'd been in every amazing action movie I saw." I turned to look at Ryan, doing my best to force all the feelings I had for Jace into the look, to make it convincing.

Ryan smiled his easy grin. "It was more like complete adoration at first sight," he said, pulling my hand to his lips. I still wasn't used to him touching me like this. It felt stiff and unnatural, and I tried not to cringe away. He wasn't repellant—not like Chad. Just ... he wasn't Jace.

And then it came, as I knew it would. "Are you willing to talk a bit about Zac Stevens? Your divorce and the rumors surrounding it?" Alison's face morphed into something like an eagle's, sharp and anticipatory.

"Um," I managed. Very smooth. I glanced at Jace, met his eyes and felt heat rush through me. I was blowing this. Falling apart.

Ryan saved me. "We don't need to drag her through that," he said, squeezing my hand.

I cleared my throat. "It's fine," I said. "What do you want to know?" If I was really the victim here, there was no reason I shouldn’t be willing to answer at least a few questions.

Alison went on to ask about the rumors of Zac and one of our house staff, and I told her that it had been me who caught them together, and that was how I knew for sure it was true. That question didn't surprise me. I hadn't wanted to talk about it, but I'd been prepared for it. The next one? Not as much.

"And there are other rumors. About the settlement. That Zac has a tape he's threatening to release?"

I felt myself stiffen. No one was supposed to know about the tape. My agent had assured me that paying Zac off would make it go away. But Alison knew. How did she know?

"That is something I can't discuss," I made myself say. "The settlement is still being sorted by the lawyers, so I'm not able to give you any specifics, I'm afraid." I pushed down the fear that was racing up my throat, making my hair feel like it was standing on end.

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