Page 31 of Happily Ever Hers

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I closed my eyes again, remembering what she had looked like beneath me, my arms still tingling at the feel of her there between them. She was soft and forgiving, but when I thought about our conversation before we'd gone to sleep, I realized she could be fierce too. And I'd drifted to sleep in the circle of her arms, feeling guarded and watched over. I hadn't felt that way since Mom had sat next my bed when I was a kid. Like it was someone else's turn to keep watch. Like I could finally breathe easily.

The slurpy snores halted and I opened my eyes. When they didn't start again, I turned my head, worried. Was Juliet suffering from sleep apnea? Had she quit breathing?

I dropped a hand onto her shoulder softly, rolling her to her back so I could see her face.

But Juliet's eyes had opened and she was smiling at me, a lazy beautiful smile full of sleep and memories of the night before. My heart filled with warmth.

The snoring sound began again.

And then the snoring turned into a snarfing, slurping sound that morphed into a low-throated grumble. And it was most definitely not coming from Juliet as she said, "good morning."

I moved close to her side, glancing over the side of the bed as I did, and finally remembered Elvis was here. Snoring. The sound was far less charming when I realized who was actually making it. I wrapped an arm around Juliet and tugged her tightly against me. "Morning."

"Sorry about the snoring," she said. Her voice was light and soft, and I let it wrap around me like a warm blanket, reassuring and sweet.

"I thought it was you, actually," I told her, my lips at the shell of her ear.

She stiffened in my arms. "Seriously? Jace!" She laughed, and her body relaxed again, little shivers moving between us.

"I forgot your narcoleptic pug was in here." I nibbled softly on the flesh between my lips.

She released a little moan, breathy and so fucking hot, before she managed, "I don't snore, do I? And if I did, it wouldn't sound like that."

"I wouldn't know," I reassured her. "I slept more soundly last night than I have in years."

Juliet made a little noise in the back of her throat that sounded like satisfaction. I wasn't sure if it was because she was glad I'd slept well, or if her pleasure was coming more specifically from what my fingers were doing between her legs, as I'd just slipped them down her hip.

She moved her ass against me as I stroked her, pressing herself against my throbbing cock, which had woken up about the same time I had, both of us delighted to find that we were in Juliet's bed still.

I kissed and sucked at Juliet's neck as my hand continued its exploration, and I enjoyed the feeling of having her trapped against me, my arm caging her against my chest as she moaned and squirmed up against me. The little noises she was making were doing all kinds of things to my body, sending shivering spikes of excitement through me and making my balls draw up tightly as I remembered what it had felt like to plunge inside her the night before.

"Mmm," she moaned. "More." Her voice was languorous and low, her word stretched out on the unfilled minutes of a morning with no schedule before us. I was only too happy to comply with her request.

I let my hand slip from her mound, sliding it over her hip and behind her to grasp my needy cock. I fisted it a few times, letting her feel the motion against the skin of her naked butt, and then I released myself, using my hand to press her gently forward, halfway onto her stomach. When she'd rolled a little, I let my fingers slide around to her hot wetness, and she lifted a knee, laying almost on her stomach and opening herself to me from behind.

She muttered something sleepy and sexy, her face pressed into the pillow as I fingered her.

This. God, I could do this every day, I thought, as dirty thoughts and images flickered through me, sending my want for her shooting higher.

My cock was heavy and full and aching with the closeness to Juliet, to her waiting willingness. I rolled to the nightstand, where there was another condom, and rolled the rubber over myself. I took my cock in my hand again and rolled nearer to her, sliding down enough to notch myself against her waiting entrance. And when I began to push inside her from behind, the mound of her perfect ass at my stomach, I nearly lost it right then. She moaned and whimpered, and once I'd pressed myself fully into that hot tightness, I leaned forward to take her mouth again. Her head was turned so I could kiss her over her shoulder, and as I did, I let my hand slide around her waist again, and then lower, finding the spot between her legs waiting for my fingers.

She cried out when I found it, and I moved in and out gently, my own hand locking her body to mine in the perfect position beneath me.

It didn't take long for her to find her release, and once I was sure she'd come, I clamped my hand around her soft stomach and drove into her as hard as I dared. The angle kept her legs together between mine, and it was like being inside a tight wet clamp, wedging myself into a delicious space that was just barely big enough to accommodate me. And it was so fucking hot I only needed a few more thrusts before I felt everything in my body stiffening, tightening, coiling for release.

"God, yes," she moaned, feeling how close I was. "Do it, Jace."

Those last words sent me right over the top, my whole body shuddering my release as her body lay soft and firm beneath me, her entrance gripping me tightly as I came.

We both lay there for a long moment, breathing each other in, letting our bodies and minds unspool. It felt like being caught in a time apart from the real world, and we both knew that once we got up, once our feet hit the floor, reality would rush back in.

And I was no longer sure what my reality should look like.

Were Juliet and I together? What did that mean for her agent's plan for Ryan McDonnell?

And if I was going to allow her to take care of my mother, give her a place to live out of the goodness of her heart, what did that say about me? And how tightly did it bond me to Juliet? If something went wrong between us, what would happen to Mom?

It was too hard to think about those things while Juliet lay wrapped tightly against me. I kissed her shoulder and rolled away, nearly stepping on a pile of Pug as I dropped a foot to the hardwood floor. He dodged with a grunt and I muttered, "Sorry, Elvis."

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