Page 22 of Happily Ever Hers

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We didn't speak, but we did hold ourselves there for a long moment, each of us lost in our thoughts, or in each other, as our chests moved in unison, breathing in the heady anticipation of what was surely to come next.

Juliet's hands skimmed my back and sides, her cool fingers coming to rest just above the throbbing heat between us, teasing my stomach.

"Can I ...?"

I grunted some answer that I hoped was a yes, barely able to speak because my mind was so far gone. Just holding this woman, just feeling her next to me, against me, had me feeling like I was flying. And when her fingers wrapped around my cock, I could have died a happy man right there.

But it got better. She began to stroke me, lightly at first, and then with more confidence, gripping my shaft hard and kissing me in time to the motion.

My own hands found her perfect ass and pulled her closer, my fingers working their way toward the wet heat I could feel coming from her.

"Is that okay?" she asked, her words swallowed by my complete focus on her hands, her fingers, my desire to make her feel every bit as good.

"God yes, that's perfect," I said. But I couldn't reach her in the position we were in, so I pressed her to her back, losing the delicious tension on my cock for what felt like an eternity until her hand made its way back, enveloping me in warmth again.

I cupped her, letting her heat seep into my palm and then beginning a slow steady rub with three fingers, feeling the little bead beneath her skin as I kissed her softly.

She moaned beneath me, her own hand losing some grip as I let my fingers explore, testing her wetness and then moving deeper between her folds.

As she began to pulse her hips, pressing up into me, I slid a finger into her and took a moment to appreciate that this was actually happening. Warm happiness filled my chest. I took a deep breath, and then added a second finger, loving the way Juliet sighed beneath me,

I'd just begun to fuck her with my fingers, in rhythm to her strokes of my shaft, when a faint buzzing noise joined the buzz in my head.

"Is that ...?" her voice was breathy, low.

"My phone," I confirmed. I was going to ignore it, and began the steady rhythm again, Juliet immediately relaxing into me again and her hand gripping tighter. I heard myself grunt in pleasure.

But my phone didn't stop. As soon as it quit ringing, it would begin again, and finally, with a frustrated groan, I rolled over and reached for my pants, in a heap on the floor.

I picked up the phone, intending to turn it off and throw it back to the floor, my cock and Juliet’s wet heat driving me back to the moment before. But when I saw my mother’s name on the screen, I knew I had to answer.

"Mom?" This couldn't be good.

Chapter Thirteen


My entire body was a fiery line when Jace rolled away from me to answer his phone. I was thrumming in a way I never had with Zac, a way I didn't think I ever had before, and I was more than eager to find out what would happen if I gave myself completely to Jace, if I gave into the overwhelming desire I felt to have him, to be owned by him. I wanted to feel him inside me, to feel the security I experienced with him wash through me, push away all the uncertainties in my life.

But the phone wouldn't stop ringing.

And when Jace answered, "Mom?" I knew our night had ended.

His face telegraphed his concern immediately, his eyes going wide as his big hand clenched around the phone.

I watched him, pulling myself up to sitting and pulling my nightshirt over me from where it had been dropped at the head of the bed.

Jace was listening, nodding along to whatever his mother was saying. "I'll be right there," he told her, and my selfish heart sank.

A moment later, Jace was dressed and standing beside me. I'd put my nightshirt back on, blown out the candles and switched off the music, as Jace told me apologetically that he’d have to go. I felt like a fool, even though I knew that were it not for the phone call, things would have gone exactly as I wanted them to. Still, the cold harshness of real life had spilled into the quiet room where my fantasies were playing out, and in the light, they looked silly and gauche.

"Sorry," I began at the same moment that Jace said, "I'm sorry." I felt like I needed to apologize, but I didn’t know why.

We laughed, each of us sounding nervous now. So strange, when a moment ago, we'd been touching each other in the most intimate way possible.

"Hey," Jace said, stepping near enough to me that I could feel the heat coming off his chest. His arms wrapped me and the insecurity lessened, dissolved. "I'm really sorry about this. My mom needs me, and I have to go."

"Your brother?" I asked, wishing there was something I could do to keep him with me, selfishly wishing Jace would just send Chad or one of the other guys from his security company.

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