Page 38 of Mr. Big

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“Fuck, duchess,” he moaned, and he froze for a split second. I actually felt him harden inside me, his iron-hard cock turning to pure stone as he retook his rhythm, moving harder and faster than before. “Fuck,” he groaned again. “God, you’re fucking amazing, Holland,” he whispered in my ear as I moved my fingers over his balls, feeling them drawing up close to his body as his breathing increased to match my own desperate gasps.

The steady pressure that had been building inside me was close to exploding, and I could feel every muscle in my body tighten in advance of the eruption I knew was coming. “Oliver,” I whispered. “Oh God, Oliver!”

And then it happened. I felt myself shatter into thousands of pieces as Oliver continued the hard pounding rhythm, each stroke pushing me higher and higher as I felt myself spasming around his taut body. And within seconds of me letting go, I felt him go rigid as he cried out, “Fuuuuuck!” He thrust into me a few more times, grunting with each movement, and then he collapsed over me on the desk, his face turned to me with a broad smile on his beautiful full lips. “You. Are. Fucking. Amazing,” he said.

I wasn’t sure I could form words, so I offered him a smile instead, as I felt like I slowly came back to myself, returning to my body from a great distance.

Oliver kissed me once more, a slow languorous kiss that was both sweet and passionate at once, and then he eased himself up to his feet and returned me to a sitting position. “Welcome to your new office,” he said, grinning and looking at me from underneath those thick lashes.

“That was quite a christening,” I told him. “I hope you don’t celebrate all employee promotions this way, Mr. CEO.”

“Only yours,” he promised, kissing me again.

I spent the remainder of a very surreal week trying to learn the responsibilities of my new job. I’d still be working with the sales department, but instead of making fearful reports to Trey about the accounts I was trying to land or keep, he’d be making reports to me. It was a strange turnabout, but I couldn’t pretend to be unhappy about it. Trey and I would basically work as a team, matching potential sales opportunities with developers who could help iron out the technical aspects of applications and new implementations. It was a formal solidification of the way Oliver and I had worked together. Minus all the sex.

By Friday I’d moved my things from my cube and accepted the confused congratulations of my colleagues in sales. Pamela had been less confused.

“Totally deserved!” she had gushed, bursting with excitement as she flew into my office. “I’m so excited for you!”

“Thank you,” I said, still feeling overwhelmed. “You helped a lot, you know.”

She nodded and winked at me. “I’m sure it was all about the schematics I got for you.”

“It was,” I told her.

“Are you excited?” she asked. “Oliver seems to think the world of you.” She said it innocently, and for a minute I considered telling her everything.

“He’s…” I trailed off. It wouldn’t be right to tell her, and I didn’t know what I could say about him that wouldn’t reveal feelings I didn’t even understand myself.

“Let’s get a drink and celebrate soon,” she said, heading for the door again.

“Yes,” I agreed. “Oh, hey…” I called, and she paused in the doorway.

“How’s Kenner doing in school? How are you?”

She smiled and stepped back in. “It’s better,” she said. “He’s really happy, actually. And I’m doing better.”

“That’s good,” I said.

She left and I looked around me, feeling in many ways like I’d been dropped in the middle of someone else’s life.

When I had a quiet moment, I called Delia. We had missed our Wednesday dinner this week because of a conflict with a school event. I’d told her about the promotion, in a text and a couple of messages, but we hadn’t gotten to really talk. “I don’t even know where to begin,” I told her. “So much has happened in less than a week!” Over the next ten minutes, I told her every aspect of my encounters with Hale-slash-Oliver, and it was gratifying to be able to share with someone.

“So what happens now that you’re both back at work?” she asked.

“I don’t really know. I mean, I doubt we’ll be walking across the plaza holding hands. He doesn’t seem super concerned about keeping things quiet, though.” My mind flashed back to the way he’d taken me on my desk and a flush of heat washed through me.

“Are you dating, then?”

“We haven’t really tried to define anything yet.”

“Just go with it,” she suggested. “It’s about fucking time you let yourself be happy. Plus…” Her voice trailed off and she sounded thoughtful.

“Plus what?”

“You just crossed off number one. Time for number two on the Powerpuff Girls plan!”

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