Page 71 of Dark King

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Dark shadows swirled around me, and I felt the familiar rush of power as my body began to shift. My skin hardened into scales, my limbs elongating and my wings unfurling as I took on my dragon form once again.

I lowered my head to her level, my violet eyes meeting hers as I watched her reaction. She didn’t flinch, didn’t step back. Instead, she reached out, her hand brushing against the smooth obsidian scales on my snout. Her touch sent a shiver through me.

She was mine. Forever mine.

With a gentle nudge, I invited her to climb onto my back, my powerful wings flexing in anticipation. She hesitated for only a moment before she nodded, determination in her eyes as she placed her hands on my side, using the ridges of my scales to pull herself up. Once she was securely seated between my wings, she wrapped her arms around one of the spines for support, her body pressed close to mine.

Satisfied that she was safe, I spread my wings wide, the muscles rippling beneath the thick scales as I prepared to take off. With a powerful leap, I launched us into the sky, the ground falling away beneath us as we soared into the twilight.

The wind whipped around us, but I could feel Aria’s grip on me tighten, her heart beating in time with the rhythm of my wings.

We flew high above the rugged terrain of Helheim, the mountains and forests stretching out below us in a vast, untamed expanse. I could feel Aria’s awe as she took in the beauty of the realm, her presence on my back a constant, comforting weight that grounded me even as we soared higher and higher.

Eventually, I began to descend, my keen eyes spotting the destination I had in mind—the hot spring.

It was a place that would always be special to me, to us.

With a graceful swoop, I landed at the edge of the spring, my claws digging into the soft earth as I carefully lowered myself to allow Aria to dismount. She slid off my back and I shifted back to my human form.

“I love you, Aria. Always and forever,” I said softly.

“I love you too, Hades,” she whispered, her golden eyes shimmering with emotion.

Slowly, reverently, I lifted a hand to cradle her cheek, my thumb brushing gently across her soft skin. I leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both tender and desperate, pouring all my love and remorse into that single moment. Her lips were soft, yielding, and the way she kissed me back—full of acceptance and affection—made me feel like I was finally worthy of the love she offered.

I deepened the kiss, my hands sliding down to her waist as I pulled her closer, needing to feel her against me, to know that she was real, that this was real. My lips trailed down to her jaw, her neck, leaving a path of soft, reverent kisses along her skin.

“I don’t deserve you,” I whispered between kisses, the words tumbling out as if I couldn’t hold them back. “But I’m going to spend every day proving that I’m worthy of your love.”

She shivered in my arms, her hands tangling in my hair as she tilted her head back, giving me access to more of her skin.

“You already have,” she breathed, her voice hitching with each kiss I pressed to her neck.

I wanted to show her how much she meant to me, to erase every doubt, every fear that lingered between us. My hands movedwith a gentle urgency, caressing her sides, her back, tracing the curves of her body with a reverence that bordered on worship.

I brought my lips back to hers, kissing her with a sweetness that was laced with a longing I couldn’t fully express. She responded with equal fervor, her arms wrapping around my neck. She pressed herself closer, as if she couldn’t get enough of me.

I loved every second of it.

I kissed her again, slower this time, savoring the sweetness of the moment, the warmth of her body against mine. My hands traced gentle patterns along her back, my touch soft, almost reverent, as I tried to convey with every stroke, every kiss, just how much I adored her.

I could feel the warmth of her breath on my skin as I slowly pulled back, my lips lingering on hers for a moment longer before I began to trail soft, deliberate kisses down the length of her neck. I could hear her breath hitch, feel the way her body responded to every kiss, every brush of my hands on her skin.

I moved lower, kissing the delicate curve where her neck met her shoulder, the taste of her skin sending a shiver of desire through me. She arched into me, her fingers tangling in my hair as she whispered my name. I took my time, savoring every moment, every shiver, as I kissed along the slope of her shoulder, letting my lips linger on her warm skin.

As I reached her collarbone, I pressed a series of slow, tender kisses along its length, feeling her pulse quicken beneath my touch. My hands roamed her sides, sliding down to her waist and guiding her gently toward the soft ground beneath us. She followed my lead, her trust in me evident in every movement, every sigh that escaped her lips.

When her back touched the earth, I hovered over her, my eyes meeting hers in the twilight. The way she looked at me, with a mix of love and longing, made my heart swell with emotion. I wanted to show her, to make her feel just how deeply I cared for her, how much she meant to me.

I wanted to make her come for me, over and over again till there wasn’t a shred of doubt left.

As the last vestiges of my control faded, I reached for the ties of her dress, undoing the silken ribbons that held it together with steady, reverent hands. As the fabric loosened, I pulled it aside, exposing the expanse of her creamy skin.

I let out a low, appreciative growl as I gazed at her. Her curves were tantalizing, the swell of her breasts, the dip of her waist, the gentle flare of her hips, everything about her. It was enough to drive a man wild.

My hands roamed her body, exploring every inch of her, worshiping every part of her. I traced the curve of her breast, the hard peak of her nipple, the soft skin of her stomach. She reached for me, but I gently brushed her hand away.

This wasn’t about me. This was about her.

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