Page 35 of Dark King

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I’d done it all my life.

We began to eat. From the very first bite, the flavors burst in my mouth. The roasted meat was tender and seasoned to perfection, the fruits were sweet and juicy, and the cheeses were rich and creamy. I savored each bite, feeling the warmth of the food spread through me.

“This is delicious,” I said, looking up at Liora. “Thank you for joining me.”

She blushed again, looking down at her hands. “Thank you for inviting me, Aria.”

And then something occurred to me. Maybe, just maybe Liora knew something about the castle, any secret passages that I could use to escape the Dark King’s grasp or even more information about the king himself. I opened my mouth, hesitant at first, but then I closed it.

“What is it, Aria?” she asked, and I took a deep breath.

Well, here goes nothing…

“Do you know anything about the castle? I mean, its layout, any secret passages, things like that?”

Liora’s eyes widened slightly, and she hesitated, glancing around the room as if to ensure we were alone. “I-I’m not sure if I should…”

“Please,” I urged, lowering my voice. “It could be important. I need to understand this place if I’m to survive here.”

She bit her lip, clearly torn. Finally, she sighed and nodded.

“There are a few passages I know about. But you must promise to be careful, Aria. The king is the only one who frequents them, and if he finds out I told you…”

“I promise,” I said earnestly. “I’ll be careful.”

Liora took a deep breath, then began to speak in hushed tones.

“There’s a passage that starts behind the large tapestry in the main hall. It leads down to the dungeons. Another one is hidden behind the bookshelf in the library. It opens up to a narrow stairway that leads to the tower. And there’s a third passage through a trapdoor in the armory, which takes you to the underground tunnels beneath the castle.”

I listened intently, my mind racing with the possibilities. “How do you know about these passages?”

“I’ve seen the king use them,” Liora admitted. “And I’ve had to clean some of those areas. But Aria, you must be careful. The king uses them to move about the castle without being seen, to keep an eye on everything.”

I nodded, absorbing the information. “What do the passages look like? Are they easy to navigate?”

“They’re narrow and not very well lit,” Liora said. “Some parts are very old, with crumbling stone and uneven floors. You have to be careful where you step. And there are hidden doors that blend into the walls, so you need to know where to look if you want to get out, or need to, anyway.”

“Do you think there’s a way out of the castle through these passages?” I asked, my heart pounding with hope.

“I don’t know if I should say,” she frowned, albeit politely, considering the question.

“I just want to understand the world I find myself in, and who else would I ask other than my only friend?” I pressed, drawing in a deep shaky breath all while trying to stay calm and not push her too hard.

With a sigh, she nodded, and I nearly sighed in relief.

“I’ll tell you, but I don’t know for sure. The tunnels beneath the castle are extensive and could lead outside, but they’re also dangerous. Some parts are flooded, and others are infested with creatures best avoided.”

“What kind of creatures are in the tunnels?” I asked, curiosity and fear warring within me.

Liora’s face paled slightly, and she glanced around nervously before answering. “There are many dark things in this castle. Shadows that move on their own, and whispers that aren’t from human voices. But in the tunnels, there are creatures—things twisted by dark magic that wander there.”

“Like what?” I pressed, wanting to know what I might face should I try to escape through the tunnels.

She took a deep breath, her eyes wide with fear. “There are wraiths, spirits of those who died in agony. They’re drawn to warmth and life, and they’ll try to drain your energy if they find you. There are also hellhounds and werewolves. They’re swift and silent, perfect hunters in the dark.”

My heart pounded as I imagined these horrors lurking in the shadows. “Anything else?”

Liora nodded, her voice dropping to a whisper. “The worst are the darklings. They’re small, humanoid creatures with sharp teeth and claws, and they’re incredibly fast. They hunt in packs and can overwhelm their prey quickly. They’re almost impossible to see until it’s too late.”

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