Page 33 of Dark King

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The king smirked, his eyes glittering with smug satisfaction. He reached out, trailing his fingers down the side of my face, and I flinched away.

The movement only seemed to amuse him, and he chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that sent a chill down my spine.

He may have won this battle, but I wouldn’t let him win the war.




The Dark King reached for the pair of cuffs, unlocking them and setting me free. I didn’t move.

I waited. He was unpredictable, and I didn’t trust him.

His eyes locked on mine and a cold smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

“What will you do with me now?” I demanded.

“Everything, sweet Aria,” he replied, and I grimaced as his fingers brushed along the expanse of my cheek. I wrapped my arms around my knees, pulling them into my chest as my body continued to shake with aftershocks. I swallowed past the lump in my throat, trying to keep a level head despite the heat still surging through my veins.

I reminded myself that he was dangerous. That he was cruel. That he was a monster, yet there was something about him thatmade me want to understand him, to know more about him so that I understood the man he had been and the man he was now.

He smirked at me and climbed out of the bed, adjusting himself. With a gasp, my gaze jerked down to see a very obvious bulge. He was just as aroused as I was.

I expected him to free his cock and take me right then and there, but he didn’t. Instead, he took a step back and cleared his throat.

“The servants will be in presently with your next meal. Make sure you eat your fill. I’d hate to have to spank you before bed. Actually, that’s a lie. I’d enjoy it very much,” he warned, and I snarled in his direction at the same time that my clit pulsed.

I hated that his threat aroused me.

“Careful, sweet Aria. I’ve been gentle with you thus far. I’d hate to have to change that,” he said, his voice dark and full of painful promise.

“Understood,my king,” I scoffed.

“Good girl,” he answered, and I loathed how my core jumped at his praise.

He walked out of the room without looking back and a strange sense of emptiness washed over me as soon as he was gone.

I was alone and even though he had only just left, the silence seemed louder than usual, almost deafening. I crawled beneath the covers and pulled them over my head, trying to block out the world, but it did nothing to quiet the racing thoughts in my mind.

“I’d hate to have to spank you before bed…”

His words echoed in my mind. My clit thrummed and I pressed my thighs together.

What was this man doing to me? Why was I letting him get to me so?

My pussy clenched.

Why was the thought of him taking me over his knee before bed so tantalizing?

I slipped my hand beneath the covers and trailed my fingers down my belly, along the length of my hipbone and then between my thighs.

I was slick, wet, and aching.

I pressed two fingers between the folds of my pussy and rubbed small circles around my clit. It was hard and swollen, and a sharp shock of pleasure radiated from the nerves throughout my body.

I stopped, ashamed of myself. I shouldn’t be doing this. I should be thinking up ways to get away from the Dark King and escape Helheim, but my clit was throbbing too hard for me to give anything else any credence.

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