Page 23 of Dark King

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With a deep breath, I climbed out of bed, taking one of the blankets and wrapping it around my naked body. Now fully covered, I felt more confident and strode toward him. He watched me take every single step.

“Is it poisoned?” I hesitated.

“What would be the sense in that?” he said, cocking his head. Finally, the fresh aroma of the food was too much. I couldn’t bear it any longer.

I sat down at the opposite end of the table and picked up a piece of toasted bread, tearing off a small bite. The Dark King watched me, his expression unreadable.

“What do you want from me?” I asked between bites, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“I want your name.”

His eyes held mine, intense and unwavering, and I lifted my chin, glaring back at him. I felt wary of his request, so I didn’t give my name, instead answering with a question of my own.

“Why is it so important to you?” I asked.

He leaned in closer, his gaze piercing.

“Call it curiosity,” he smirked.

“Then why do you think I’d give it to you freely?” I replied pointedly.

The tension between us crackled like a live wire. His presence was overwhelming, suffocating even, and yet there was an undeniable sense of heat between us that I couldn’t ignore.

Almost as if he could sense it too, he took several steps toward me and I held my breath, not moving as he moved in front of me. His gaze didn’t waver, and I felt a shiver run down my spine as he leaned in toward me, his breath warm against my skin.

“Because you know, deep down, that you can’t hide from me,” he murmured in a dangerous whisper that tickled the tiny hairs along my sensitive flesh. “And because you want to know why you’re so important to me.”

For a moment, I wanted to tell him. I wanted him to know me, but then I clenched my fists, trying to steady my breathing. I wouldn’t give in. Not like this. I was stronger than that.

My name was mine and I wouldn’t give it to him so easily.

“You’re delusional if you think I’ll bend to your will just like that.”

His lips curled into a slow, predatory smile. “We’ll see about that.”

I could feel my pulse quicken, my heart pounding in my chest. He was too close, his presence too consuming. I wanted to push him away, to break free from whatever this hold was that he had over me, but I couldn’t deny the strange, conflicting emotions churning inside me.





I gulped, unable to navigate between them, but his fingers grazed across the back of my shoulder, startling me, and instantly bringing me back from my tumultuous thoughts.

“You can try to resist,” he said softly, his fingers brushing a stray lock of hair from my face, “but eventually, you will give in. You will tell me your name.”

My defiance wavered as I tightened my hold on the blanket surrounding my naked body.

“And if I don’t?” I countered.

He straightened, his smile fading into a serious, almost dangerous expression. “Then I will make you.”

I glared at him, refusing to back down. “You’ll have to kill me first.”

A dark chuckle escaped his lips. “I don’t think it will come to that, little thief. I have manyotherways to persuade you.”

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