Page 57 of Dragon Chosen

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Beck released Will and wrinkled his nose. “Why that one in particular?”

“It seems familiar to us and we were curious to know its owner to ask them about it,” Will answered.

The wharfman put a hand on his hip and stroked his chin between his large fingers. “I don’t know about telling you that. It’s against the rules.”

“Then you know who it is?” Will guessed.

A crooked grin slipped onto Beck’s lips as he cupped his chin in his hand. “Of course. You’re looking at the wharf manager.”

Will grinned and bowed his head. “Congratulations are in order.”

Beck scoffed. “None of that now, Lord Thorn. I’m not that young sprite you hauled out of the water twenty years ago. I know a fast compliment when I see one and I won’t let it spill who’s renting it out, even if you were to shove my face through the rear window.” He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at us. “Now get out of here before I have to throw you into the water.”

Will grabbed my hand and nodded. “Of course, sir. My apologies for the trouble.”

He scooted us around Beck and we hurried down the wharf. A few of the men glared at us but Beck’s sharp voice shouted at them. “Stop gawking and get back to work!”

They dropped their heads and dove back into their tasks. We skirted them and soon found ourselves on the far side of the cluster of buildings. A smile graced Will’s lips as he stared ahead with shimmering eyes.

“Did Beck give us a hint back there?” I asked him.

Will nodded. “And a good one. We should be able to find our window with little difficulty.”

We rounded the corner of the last building and turned, following the length of the structure. A narrow path led betweenthe rear of the buildings and the high stone wall that surrounded the lake. We squeezed in there and scooted along until we rediscovered the clapboard building. It wasn’t too hard to see the small window that faced the wall. It stood about ten feet above the wharf planks and just about even with the upper road.

“I think we turned too early,” I mused as I looked back in the direction we had traveled. “We could go back and up the stairs.”

He shook his head. “There’s no guarantee of seeing through the window from that distance. The pane could be covered in dust.”

“Then what do we do?”

Will flashed me a mischievous grin. “You stay here.”

He flexed his fingers into claws and dug one of his hands into the wood. The soft timber gave way beneath his sharp talons and he did the same to a spot higher up the wall. I took a few steps back and watched as he eased himself up the wall one arm’s length at a time. Will left only a few almost imperceptible holes in the wood and soon reached the window. He was forced to use his sleeve to wipe the glass as he feared and then he peered inside. His scrutiny lasted for a few moments before he pulled both hands out of the wall, dropping to the planks in front of me.

“Well?” I asked him.

“The warehouse is filled with crates, but a crack in the frame around the window let enough air out for me to tell there is an abundance of perfume inside,” he confirmed.

“So what do we do now?” I asked him.

Will furrowed his brow. “I must admit I’m at a loss, but perhaps Alex will have an idea.”


“That fiend!”Alex shouted as he stomped around the parlor.

We had returned to his abode and informed Alex and Helen of what we had found. Needless to say, the local dragon lord was not pleased to hear the turn of events.

Helen gently grasped his arm and arrested his pacing. “There’s no need to for anger. After all, we are still unsure if Baddock is truly the man behind the kidnappings.”

Alex scoffed. “That snake would like nothing more than to get his slimy claws on either of you!”

“But how do we prove it?” I wondered as I looked up at Will who stood at my side. “We don’t really have enough to tell Folcred, right?”

He folded his arms over his chest and shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. We only have a vague connection through Lady Gottspake’s magic and the information from the Agency agents who kidnapped you, neither of which would even lead to his being questioned.”

“I may have a way of luring out the Agency men and catching Baddock,” Helen spoke up.

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