Page 43 of Dragon Chosen

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I held on to the strap above my head as the carriage rolled forward. Will dropped into the seat beside me with a pensive and slightly annoyed expression on his face. A few questions danced around my mind that needed to be quenched.

I leaned forward the catch his eye. “Have you been followed before by the police?”

He shook his head. “Never, but as the officer mentioned, times have changed.”

“And what you told him was true about the tail? About being a jump rope?” I wondered.

A ghost of a smile touched the corners of his lips. “It is. The children were without and I provided them with one.”

“And the part about the other tail time?”

Will folded his arms over his chest and sighed. “That happened about five hundred years ago. The city was under siege and I offered my strength to them. They were desperate enough to accept.”

“Didn’t Torch help?” I wondered.

“He hadn’t yet made Mirum his permanent home and was away at that time,” Will revealed as he reached into his coat and drew out the strange card the father had given him.

I leaned over to study the strange man on the front. “It doesn’t look like it can do magic.”

Will grasped the card between two fingers and held it up in front of us. “Forthcoming.”

My eyes widened as a dark glow emanated from the card. The light focused into a string that shot forward two feet in front of the card and formed itself into a round portal. The soft edges of the portal hummed and the interior was as black as night.

Will continued to hold the magic as he scooted to the end of the seat. He stretched out his hand and his fingernail extended into a claw. His nail brushed against the interior of the portal and a sizzling noise emanated from the tip. He jerked his hand back and revealed the blackened end of his claw. Smoke rose from the burned area and he held his finger in front of his face to study the wound.

“Interesting. The portal contains unnatural fire that burns even my hardened flesh.”

“Is that bad?” I wondered.

He drew the card out of his hand and the portal and the glow vanished. “Father Silas is fortunate it didn’t remove his hand completely.”

My face drooped but that brought a fresh round of questions to my mind. “So what would it do to me? I mean, I’m your bride, but am I fireproof like you are?”

Will shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. You have all the frailties of your formerly mortal body but you will no longer age.”

I lifted one hand and studied my palm. “Are you sure about that?”

He turned his full attention to me. “What do you mean?”

I bit my lower lip as I sought the right words. “I, um, Silas trapped me near the stairs when I was trying to get out and a bunch of mummies almost got me. They would have if a sword hadn’t come out of my hand.”

Will’s eyebrows crashed down. “What kind of sword?”

“It was made of fire.”


Will studiedme for a long time before he spoke. “You’re sure of this?”

I snorted. “The mummies can vouch for me. They caught fire.”

Will folded his arms over his chest and stared ahead as he furrowed his brow. “Interesting. . .”

My heart skipped a beat. “Interesting is good, right?”

He cupped his chin in one hand. “Perhaps. Can you show me this sword?”

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