Page 65 of Spells and Bones

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What it couldn’t best was Ben’s ever-present good humor in those early hours.

“Good morning!” he announced as he strode into the room without so much as a knock.

I cast the evil eye at him from my place under the covers. “Go away.”

He chuckled as he plopped himself down on the edge of the bed. “I wish that I could, but we have an early errand to attend to.”

I tried to burrow myself into the blankets, but I would have started to dig into the mattress to succeed any further. “Get Tully to do it.”

Ben shook my shoulder. “Tully would hardly be able to articulate the accusations we have against our musically-inclined acquaintance, and writing down questions would lead a trail of papers I would rather the authorities not find.”

A deep sigh escaped me that made the mound of covers atop me move up and down. “Alright. Gimme a few minutes and have a piping hot breakfast ready.”

Ben stood and bowed at the waist to me. “Your wish is my command, my lady.”

He slipped out of the room. I cast a wary look at the closed door before I slithered out of my warm hole. The air had a slight chill in it, so I hurriedly dressed and was soon downstairs. Ben stopped me in the dining room doorway, and he held up a bowl.

I peered into the container and found a pile of gruel. “What’s this?”

There was a mischievous twinkle in Ben’s eyes. “Your breakfast, piping hot as ordered.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Gruel?”

“Porridge, but I do see the problem.” He held up his other hand and revealed a strawberry which he plopped onto the top of the pile. “There.”

I snorted as he handed me the bowl. “That made a world of difference.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” he teased as he held out a spoon. “Now eat quickly. I suspect the band plays early to avoid their more fervent fans.”

I gobbled down my porridge and was glad that Tully had added some sugar to spice up the meal. We stepped out into the courtyard and found the man himself standing in front of the open stable doors. There was an exasperated look on his face, and I heard a faint whinny from Ferox in his stall.

Ben furrowed his brow as he led me over to his servant. “Is something the matter?”

Tully frowned and nodded at the horse. Ferox threw his head back and pawed the ground.

Ben sighed. “I see. He won’t go out today.”

“At all?” I asked him.

Ben turned to me and shook his head. “No, Ferox is quite put out by yesterday’s abandonment. However, he’s done this before and will get over it.”

“But not today?” I guessed.

“Not today, which means we’ll have to take a cab.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “How do we even find one of those?”

“A quick walk in the direction of the Plaza will net us one,” he promised as he offered me his arm and a smile. “Shall we?”

I sighed but accepted his arm. “This Phantom guy better be the one we’re looking for, or my feet will never forgive me.”

We ventured down the alley and in the direction of the massive marketplace. After visiting the realms of the dead the previous night, I looked forward to seeing crowds of living people.

I didn’t get my wish.

We had traveled some four blocks before I spotted an oddity. “Where is everybody?” I asked my native guide as we walked past closed shops and empty restaurants. “I mean, it’s early, but it’s notthatearly.”

Ben furrowed his brow as he swept his eyes over the empty area. “This is rather unusual. The area should be alive with those seeking breakfast or traveling to work.”

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