Page 64 of Spells and Bones

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“The seasons will begin to change soon,” he mused as he cast his gaze on the sky. “Time marches on, but there are things that fight against the tide.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“Like love.”

A frog grew in my throat and my pulse quickened. “Love? Like really love?”

He smiled down at me. “You don’t believe it can?”

I shrugged. “I-I never really thought about it.”

He leaned down and brushed his nose against the tip of mine. “Not even a little? Not of late?”

The red color in my cheeks warmed my entire body. “I-I might have.”

His red eyes shimmered with a bright, almost heated look. “Have you? About yourself?”

I cast a sly look at him. “You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to coax me into saying something.”

He looked ahead and chuckled. “Perhaps I am, but I see I have you cornered, and that isn’t gentlemanly of me.”

I wiggled in his clutches. “It’s a very comfortable corner.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

I could tell he was disappointed, but there wasn’t an ounce of ire in his voice or on his face. We swooped through the night sky and he landed in the alley that led behind the house, but at the far end of it. A quick walk and we found ourselves in his private courtyard.

And face to face with the fury of a very angry horse.

Ferox blocked the rear door to the house with both his body and the carriage. At our approach he pawed the ground with one hoof and snorted. He used both nostrils to do it.

Ben stopped us and held up his hands in front of himself. “My sincerest apologies for abandoning you, but we had a great many-”

The horse threw his head back and whinnied. Ben dropped his arms to his sides and sighed.

“I’m guessing we’re not forgiven?” I spoke up.

Ben shook his head. “Not by a country mile. I believe the only amends will be out of my pocketbook with a week’s worth of grain.”

Ferox bobbed his head and neighed.

I clapped a hand on Ben’s shoulder and grinned up at him. “At least he didn’t run away with the carriage.”

A smile slipped onto Ben’s lips, and he couldn’t stop a low chuckle. “I would rather you not give him any ideas.”

Ferox neighed and I swore he winked at me.

The back door opened and Tully made his appearance. Ferox trotted toward the stable doors with his head held high.

Ben and I slipped over to Tully. “I’m afraid you’ll have to give Ferox a double helping of grains this night, Tully. He believes he’s earned it. For our part, we’re off to bed.”

Tully bowed his head and went off to obey. We two went inside and upstairs. My feet shuffled across my bedroom floor, and I just managed to slip off my coat and shoes before I collapsed face-first onto the bed.

Sleep was blissfully quick in coming.


Morning.That hated creature of the light. Well, except on cloudy days. I liked rain in the mornings. It bested the sun.

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