Page 39 of Spells and Bones

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Lew’s face fell, but he held out the whole deck to Ben. “You may keep all of them. I don’t think I want to play that game anymore.”

Ben accepted the offer and tucked the cards securely in his vest. “Thank you for telling us all this. Through your information, we may be able to recover all the stolen items.”

“Lew! Lew, dear!” Lady Harper made her reappearance and swept over to her son who stood at her coming. “It’s nearly time for your dinner.” She lifted her smiling but tired face to us. “Won’t you join us? As a token of my appreciation for your help.”

Ben smiled and bowed his head to her. “I thank you for the offer, but I’m afraid we have a pressing dinner engagement.”

Her Ladyship nodded. “Of course. You must keep yourself very busy managing so many properties and businesses.”

I lifted an eyebrow at Ben, but he appeared not to notice me. “There are moments where my work keeps me busy through the night, and I hope one of these nights very soon finds you back in possession of your valuables.”

Her expression fell slightly and she put her hands on Lew’s shoulders. “Yes. We shall pray that they are recovered. Allow me to show you out.”

Our hostess led us back to the front door and our goodbyes were exchanged. Some of the wagons had left, but a few soldiers lingered in the garden. They eyed us with curiosity as we passed by, and I tried to look nonchalant under their attention.

Ben’s low voice startled me. “You’re forgetting to breathe.”

I tilted my head slightly in his direction. “It’s not really what I’m focused on.”

“And what are you focused on?” he teased.

“I was thinking you should’ve told him that we’ll be recovering the stolen goods with his info?” I wondered as we walked across the street.

Ben grinned down at me. “Perhaps not, but it’s up to us to guarantee that my words come true.”

I nodded at his vest. “So we’re going to go see this Darren guy?”

“Yes, but I haven’t decided in what persona I should visit him,” Ben mused as he furrowed his brow.

I nudged his arm with my elbow. “You’re forgetting someone in that statement, and if you ask me if I’m sure I want to go with you then I’m going to remind you that we’re going to go visit a guy who sells playing cards to kids. I think I can handle that kind of danger.”

Ben turned to face me as we reached the door to his house, and a soft smile graced his lips. “I know you can, but the matter may be rather boring.”

I grinned. “My nerves are still stretched tight after hearing those old sisters scream, so I could do with a little bit of boredom.”

“Then perhaps we should go as we are now,” Ben mused as he folded his arms. A thoughtful expression slipped onto his face. “I would rather bring suspicion on a neighbor of a recently burglarized house than include the Thief who has no such connection to the matter.”

“So when do we go?”

He lifted his nose to the air and took a sniff. “After dinner. I believe Tully has his famous shredded pork ready for us.”

My eyes lit up and I grabbed his hand. “Then what are we waiting for!”

I yanked him inside and to the tasty treat that awaited us. Little did I know we would need all the energy we could get for what lay in store for us.


With our foodout of the way and the afternoon approaching, Ben and I found ourselves walking the cobbled streets of the grand city. My week-long occupancy of the city meant I still looked at everything with fresh eyes, and I couldn’t help but be amused by the myriad of buildings built beside one another. Shops shared walls with houses and liveries were tucked off the road at corners where five streets met.

“So what’s the problem with this Brisbane Street?” I asked my native guide as I looked up at Ben. “You made it sound like it was a bad place for a kid to be.”

He nodded. “It certainly isn’t a welcome one. Pickpockets rule the area and some of them are not particular about their clients. Even an innocent lad such as he could end up in the gutter with his pockets emptied and a bad bruise on his head, or worse.”

I furrowed my brow. “I wonder how the kids even found out about the shop. I mean, Lew and his friends aren’t exactly the type to be swaggering around those types of places.”

My companion pursed his lips. “That is a very interesting question, but I suspect our upcoming acquaintance Mr. Darren won’t be willing to divulge that information.”

“What are we hoping to find out?” I wondered.

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