Page 36 of Spells and Bones

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“We still have that mystery with the graveyard,” I pointed out.

A smile slipped onto his lips. “I have no doubt that will be remedied once the professor returns. In the meanwhile, we might enjoy an early luncheon, courtesy of Tully’s excellent cooking skills, and he could pack us a supper.”

I lifted an eyebrow at him. “Why pack a supper?”

“I did promise you we would visit the estate of my ancestors,” he reminded me.

My heart gave an excited leap, and Ferox mimicked my glee by throwing his head back. “It would be nice to see those open fields again without worrying about out-thieving someone.”

Ben chuckled. “Yes, but what an interesting adventure that was. Lord Riker was quite cross with us for not being able to return his precious stone to him in one piece.”

“I can’t believe you were able to convince him it was a fake,” I commented as we drove through the bustling metropolis.

He shrugged. “It was rather easy since the real one was said to be indestructible.”

I set my hand atop the canister on my arm. “I wonder if I’ll ever be able to use this thing. I meanreallyuse it.”

Ben set a hand over mine and smiled at me. “Give yourself time. The day is young, and you have a promised teacher for its flute form, at the very least.”

I gave him a sheepish grin. “Yeah. Maybe I’ll be able to do more than just a shrill whistle.”

“I would be grateful for that,” he teased as we rounded the corner onto the long street on which stood his home.

I didn’t have time to counter his quip before we noticed the commotion further down the street. A dozen soldiers covered the premises of our hosts from the previous evening, with many of their eyes on the ground. Their wagons stood haphazardly in the road and would have forced us to turn around if the alley hadn’t come before the home.

My heart gave a leap as we turned into the narrow street. “What do you think’s going on?”

Ben shook his head. “I’m not sure, but we had better go see.”

We found Tully standing at the back door with an equally worried look on his face. Ben hopped down and helped me onto the ground before he turned to his manservant. “What’s the matter?” Tully placed his hands together and shook his head. A dark cloud settled on Ben’s brow. “I see. Put Ferox away for the day. We won’t be needing him.”

Ferox threw his head and whinnied before he marched into the stable with Tully behind him.

“What’s wrong?” I asked my host.

He set his hand on the small of my back and led me toward the rear door. “The Harper house has been burglarized.”

My pulse quickened as he led me into the house. “What? How? When?”

“My guess would be last night, but Tully didn’t provide that information,” he revealed as we hurried through the house to the front door.

My mind recalled Tully’s strange gestures. “What did he tell you?”

“Only that it had been burglarized and he knew nothing more. We will find out the rest.”

We ventured out through the front door and across the street. I shied away from the soldiers and couldn’t help but look for the young one with whom I’d made an acquaintance, but he was nowhere to be found. One of the soldiers, a man with a cap in his tin hat, stepped into our path and held up his hand in front of himself.

“A moment, sir,” he commanded us, and we stopped before him. “State your name and business.”

“I am Count Castle, and this is my companion, Millie,” Ben introduced us as he gestured to me. “We are neighbors across the street, and were wondering if we might help in any way.”

The soldier shook his head. “I appreciate the gesture, Your Lordship, but we have the matter in hand.”

“Count Castle!” The shout came from behind the soldier and was preceded by Lady Harper rushing out the front door. She swooped past the man and grasped one of Ben’s hands in both of hers. “What a wonderful sight you are after what has happened!”

“What has happened?” Ben asked her.

“Lady Harper,” the soldier spoke up in a stern voice. “My men and I are at work here, and another pair of feet may obscure the trail of the thief or thieves.”

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