Page 2 of Spells and Bones

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I lifted the flute to my lips. “I’ll play the flute.”

Some of his good humor failed him as his attention fell on the instrument. “That may not be a good idea.”

My heart pumped a little faster as I set the flute on the table. “What do you mean?”

“Even if your intentions are in the right, powerful magic such as the Prima Staff must be used with skill and caution,” he warned me as he took the instrument from my hands and studied the markings. “Otherwise, chaos may ensue. You may be killed.”

I couldn’t help but look him over, especially the high collar of his shirt. “You know, you still haven’t told me why your body’s covered in those black designs.”

He sighed and set the flute on the table between us. “Those are a. . .rather long story.”

I put my elbows on the table and cupped my cheeks in the palms of my hands. “I’ve got time, remember? Stuck here with nothing to do.”

“They are-”

A loud rap on the front door gave us both pause. Ben lifted an eyebrow as he rose from his seat. “I’m not expecting anyone.”

I cursed the intrusion as Ben exited the room and moved out of sight into the hall. I leaned forward to see what was going on, but all I caught were some voices.

“Hi-ya, count!” I snorted as I recognized the eager voice of Tim the newspaper boy.

“Good morning, Tim. What brings you here?”

“I’ve got a special edition for you. Maybe your new girl would like to see it. All the girls are going crazy over it.”

“Really?” came Ben’s bemused response. “I’ll take two.”

“Thank ya!” Tim shouted, and a moment later I heard the front door slam shut.

My curiosity was near bursting as Ben strolled back into the dining room. He was engrossed in a small pamphlet, and another one hung from his arm. The front page of the folded paper showed some strange designs. Those were popular that morning.

“What’s going on?” I inquired as he stopped just shy of his chair with his gaze still fixed on the paper.

“Phantom is returning.”

A little color drained from my face. “You guys have those, too?”

He chuckled as he held out the paper he had been reading to reveal the headline. The word ‘Phantom’ was written in a jagged typography, and below that was a long article. I leaned forward and squinted as I read the first part aloud.

“The famous Phantom musical group with its mysterious lead singer are set to arrive back at their home city of Validen within a few days. Long-time fans of the group will be aware that they have been on a tour of the continent for the past half year, and look forward to some well-deserved time to themselves after they have their farewell performances at Fox Hall.” I paused and looked up questioningly at my local host. “Fox Hall?”

“The locale for large musical performances,” he explained.

I leaned back and crossed one leg over the other. “I’m guessing a lot of women are looking forward to their return.”

“They also have many among the male citizenry who admire their songs,” he revealed as he resumed his seat. He caught my eye with his own look of curiosity. “You might ask their leader about playing your flute.”

My lower jaw hit the floor. “A big-time singer like that? Why?”

“He’s apparently proficient in many musical instruments,” Ben revealed as he set the other folded paper on the table. “And it’s always a good idea to get the best teacher.”

“Can Iaffordthe best teacher?” I wondered as I studied the emboldened typography.

Ben clasped his fingers together in front of him and smiled. “I may be willing to grant you a loan. At a reasonable rate, of course.”

I snorted. “Only an arm? Or do you want a leg with that, too?”

His bright eyes took on a slier expression as he studied me. “I might be forced to take the whole thing.”

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