Page 12 of Spells and Bones

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“Then no amount of money would entice him to take on my protégé?” Ben asked him.

Wexelman set his elbows on the arms of his chair and twined his fingers together in front of him. “Not a chance. Surely you’ve at least heard how reclusive he is.”

A smile slipped onto Ben’s lips. “That bad?”

“He’s worse than you.”

My escort pursed his lips. “I see. Then perhaps he isn’t able to teach.”

Wexelman shook his head. “Oh, he could do it,ifhe wanted to. The guy’s got a gift for music in all areas. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Is he currently available for us to speak to?” Ben wondered.

Wexelman shook his head. “Won’t be in town until tomorrow, at the earliest.”

Ben stood and bowed his head. “Then perhaps you could pass on the message to him once he’s arrived.”

The manager shrugged. “Sure thing, but you’re wasting your time.”

A crooked smile appeared on Ben’s lips as he helped me out of my chair. “We have time to waste, but thank you for yours.” He partly turned away, but paused and looked over his shoulder at Wexelman. “Oh, I’ve heard some rumors that he’s interested in rare instruments.”

The manager raised an eyebrow. “Who told you that?”

“Merely some admirers. Is it true?”

He wrinkled his nose. “I’m not one to deny or support rumors.”

“Well, you might tell the gentleman that we have a very unique flute, should he desire to see it.”

Wexelman nodded. “I’ll pass on your message, but I don’t make any guarantees about you seeing him.”

“We don’t expect any, and good luck on the coming show.” Ben bowed his head and together we left the office.

I looked up at him as we walked those dingy halls. “That could have gone better.”

He sighed. “We’ve planted as many seeds as we held. We’ll have to see if any of them grow.” We exited the passage and stepped out into the warm morning sun. “In the meantime, what do you say to a drive around town?”

Ferox threw his head back and whinnied. I laughed as we approached the carriage. “I think Ferox wants the day off.”

Ben gave the horse a playfully scolding look as he helped me into the vehicle. “Really, Ferox, you surprise me. What could be more exhilarating than showing off your handsome occupants to the other horses?”

Ferox bent his head down and pretended to munch on the ground.

Ben chuckled as he plopped down in the seat beside me. “An interesting suggestion, but we’re not headed out to the estate today-hey!”

Ferox whipped his head up and shot off down the narrow alley. Both Ben and I gripped the sides as the horse turned the corner sharply and bumped us onto a narrow street. A few pedestrians yelped and dove out of the way as we passed. I looked over my shoulder and watched them stand and wave their fists at us.

Ben grabbed the reins and pulled. “Slow down, Ferox!” The horse whinnied and yanked on the reins, jerking Ben forward. “Fine! We’ll go to the estate!” Ferox’s tail whipped to and fro as he slowed into a prancing trot.

Ben scowled at the beast before he dropped back against the seat. He turned to me with an apologetic smile. “It appears we’re going to the estate today.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “What estate?”

“The Rookwood estate. It’s still in the family, and an elderly aunt currently resides there.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Is it still like the picture?”

He smiled as he looked me over. “Don’t tell me you’re going to take Ferox’s side.” The horse gave another whinny and I sheepishly smiled at him. Ben sighed. “I see I am outnumbered, though I must admit after viewing Mother’s tapestry I, too, long to see the hall. It’s been some two years since I was there.”

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