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"There you are!" Hannah's voice breaks through my reverie, and I turn to find her striding towards me, her green eyes sparkling with mirth. She pulls me into a tight hug, her warmth andfamiliar scent instantly putting me at ease. "Who's that with Sarah?" I ask, nodding towards the pair.

Hannah follows my gaze, her eyes brightening with recognition. "Oh, that's Dr. Lucas Morgan," she explains. "He's a professor at the local college and a pack member."

She steps back, gesturing towards the lively gathering with a sense of wonder. "Can you believe we're here, celebrating like this together? It's incredible."

A wistful smile tugs at my lips as I recall the turbulent journey that brought us to this moment. Hannah's unwavering loyalty and understanding were a constant source of strength, even when she grappled with her own fears and doubts.

"I knew we'd get here eventually," I tease, nudging her playfully. "You just needed a little time to catch up."

Hannah's melodic laughter rings out, and for a moment, we're transported back to our college days, when our biggest concerns were finals and weekend plans. But then her gaze softens, and she reaches out to squeeze my hand, her touch a silent reminder of the unbreakable bond between us.

"I'm so proud of you, Jen," she murmurs, her voice thick with emotion. "You've handled all of this with such grace and strength. I couldn't ask for a better friend—or sister."

A lump forms in my throat at her words, and I blink back the tears that threaten to spill over. Hannah's acceptance means everything to me, and to hear her refer to me as family—it's more than I could have ever hoped for.

Before I can respond, a familiar presence appears at my side, and I instinctively lean into the solid warmth of Ryan's body. Hisarm snakes around my waist, and I catch the faint scent of pine and musk that never fails to set my heart racing.

"Everything okay over here?" he rumbles, his deep voice sending a delicious shiver down my spine.

Hannah shoots him a playful grin. "Just reminding Jenna how lucky she is to have me in her life."

Ryan chuckles, his rumbling laughter reverberating through my body. "I'm sure she's well aware."

His gaze meets mine, and in that single, smoldering look, I can see the depth of his love and devotion.

As if sensing our need for privacy, Hannah excuses herself with a wink, disappearing into the crowd. Ryan's hand finds mine, and he gently tugs me towards a secluded corner of the lawn, away from the hustle and bustle of the gathering.

"You're glowing tonight," he murmurs, his thumb tracing the curve of my cheek. "Happiness looks good on you."

A blush creeps up my neck at his words, and I lean into his touch, savoring the warmth and safety of his embrace. "I am happy," I admit, my voice soft but certain. "More than I ever thought possible."

Ryan's eyes soften, and he cups my face in his calloused hands, his touch igniting a familiar spark deep within me. "You deserve all of this and more, Jenna. You've brought so much light into my life, into our pack. I'll spend every day making sure you never doubt how loved and cherished you are."

His words wrap around me like a warm embrace, chasing away any lingering shadows of doubt or insecurity. In this moment, surrounded by the people who have become my family, I feel more at home than I ever have before.

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