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With trembling fingers, I fumble for my phone, my thumb instinctively finding Hannah's contact. She answers on the second ring, her warm voice a lifeline in the midst of my spiraling panic.

"Jenna? Is everything okay?"

The words tumble from my lips in a breathless rush. "Han, it's my house—there's a fire. Everything..." I trail off, choking back the swell of despair that threatens to overwhelm me.

There's a sharp inhalation on the other end, and I can picture the concern etching her delicate features. "Jenna, breathe. I'm coming to get you, okay? Just hold on."

I nod numbly, not bothering to remind her that she can't actually see me. Somehow, I know she'll make it right, that her presence alone will be enough to anchor me. Like she always does.

True to her word, Hannah's sleek sedan pulls up within minutes, the familiar purr of its engine like a beacon in my unraveling world. She emerges in a whirlwind of sandy curls and worried energy, her green eyes wide as they find me huddled on the sidewalk.

In an instant, she's by my side, wrapping me in the kind of fierce, protective embrace only a lifelong friend can provide. I cling to her, burying my face in the crook of her neck as the first ragged sobs tear from my chest.

"It's okay, I've got you," she murmurs, her voice a soothing lullaby amidst the chaos. "Let it out, Jen."

And I do. I release the torrent of grief and fear, letting the salty tears scald my cheeks as I mourn not just the loss of the physical dwelling, but the fragile sense of home and safety it represented.

When the worst of the anguished sobs finally subside, Hannah gently pries me from her shoulder.

"You're coming home with me," she states, her tone brooking no argument. "We'll get you settled in at Thorne Estate until we can figure this out."

A fleeting tendril of panic winds through me at her words. The Thorne Estate...her family home, the heart of the Whispering Pines pack's territory. A place where I, a human, have only been peripherally welcomed due to my bond with Hannah.

"I can't impose like that," I protest weakly, my throat raw from crying.

Hannah's expression softens infinitesimally as she regards me with those too-perceptive emerald eyes. "Jenna. You're my best friend, my family. Where else would you go?"

Of course, she's right. I have nowhere else, no one else to turn to in the wake of this fresh upheaval. Exhaustion settles over me like a leaden cloak as I give a minute nod of acquiescence.

"There's my girl," Hannah murmurs approvingly, brushing a few stray strands of hair from my face in a tender gesture. "Besides, you know we're basically the same size. You can borrow my clothes for now."

A wan chuckle escapes me at the familiar refrain. How many times had we traded garments over the years, our petite frames rendering us nearly indistinguishable from behind? It's a comforting reminder that despite the cataclysmic shift my life seems poised to take yet again, some things remain constant.

"Okay," I whisper, letting her help me to my feet. "Lead the way."

The drive to Thorne Estate is a blur, Hannah's soothing voice and the purr of the engine lulling me into a trance-like state. Before I know it, her car is gliding up the long, winding drive.

As the grand, rustic mansion looms before us, I can't help but feel a pang of unease. This place—this world—is so far removed from the simple life I've known. But with nowhere else to turn, I have no choice but to accept Hannah's kindness and the refuge her family offers.

As if sensing my trepidation, Hannah reaches over to give my hand a reassuring squeeze as she kills the engine. "Don't worry, Jen. We'll get you settled in no problem."

She ushers me inside, her arm looped through mine in a gesture of solidarity. The interior is breathtaking—soaring vaulted ceilings, rough-hewn wooden beams, and stone accents that give the space a warm, rustic ambiance. Despite its grand scale, the atmosphere manages to feel oddly intimate and cozy.

"Come on, let's get you settled in," Hannah says, leading me up a winding staircase to a spacious guest suite.

The room is a haven of tranquility, with plush rugs and rich fabrics in soothing earth tones. A private bathroom adjoins the bedroom, complete with a luxurious clawfoot tub that beckons me to sink into its depths and let the world fade away.

"Thank you," I whisper, my voice hoarse from the onslaught of tears.

Hannah's gaze softens, and she cups my cheek with a tenderness that speaks volumes. "You're family, Jenna. This is where you belong, at least for now. Go ahead and get cleaned up, and I'llleave some fresh clothes for you. Why don't you take a nice, hot bath and try to relax? Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours."

I nod, my throat constricting with gratitude. Words seem inadequate to convey the depth of my appreciation for this woman—my dearest friend, my lifeline in the storm.

Hannah pauses at the door, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "Oh, and you'll finally get to meet my brother tonight. I know you two will hit it off."

Chapter 2


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