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His fingers trace idle patterns along the curve of my hip, raising delicious shivers that have nothing to do with the crisp forest air caressing our sweat-dampened skin.

"I want to take care of you," he murmurs, the words a low rumble. There's an undercurrent of something deeper, richer in his tone – a promise, a vow, that sends my heart thundering against my ribs. "But don't tell anyone about this, love," he adds. "Not yet, at least. I don't want them judging you for being human."

I nod my acquiescence. For now, all I want is to bask in the afterglow cradled in Ryan's arms, the steady thrum of his heartbeat under my cheek.

Chapter 7


The final bell rings at Whispering Pines Elementary, signaling the end of another school day. I linger outside, inhaling the crisp autumn air, trying to gather my thoughts after an unexpectedly turbulent morning. A flurry of emotions swirls within me – desire, confusion, and a nagging sense of guilt that I can't seem to shake.

It's been less than twenty-four hours since Jenna and I shared that heated, intimate moment at the estate, but it feels like a lifetime ago. The memory of her soft curves pressed against me, her intoxicating scent surrounding me like a sensual veil, has been burned into my mind in exquisite detail. I can still taste the sweetness of her lips, still feel the way her body responded to my touch with a primal hunger that matched my own.

And that's what terrifies me the most.

As the alpha of the Whispering Pines pack, I've been trained from birth to maintain control – over my instincts, my emotions, my pack. Yet in Jenna's presence, all that discipline threatens to unravel like a fraying thread. She awakens something feral within me.

Which is why I told her we needed to keep our... whatever this is... a secret, at least for now. The last thing I need is moredissent within the ranks, more whispers of disapproval from those who still cling to outdated prejudices against human-shifter unions.

But even as I try to convince myself that distance is the wisest course of action, my wolf snarls in defiance, urging me to claim what is mine. To claimher.

Shaking my head, I force myself back to the present moment, only to freeze when a familiar scent hits me – sunshine and wildflowers, with just a hint of vanilla.Jenna.

Before I can stop myself, my feet are carrying me toward the source of that intoxicating aroma, drawn like a moth to a flame. I find her in one of the kindergarten classrooms, chatting animatedly with another teacher as she tidies up for the day.

Before I can stop myself, I'm pushing through the door, drawn in by her gravitational pull. Jenna whirls around, her hazel eyes widening in surprise. "Ryan? What are you doing here?"

Her voice, laced with equal parts confusion and delight, sends a shiver down my spine. I struggle to find the words, my mind a jumbled mess of conflicting emotions. Part of me wants to turn and flee, to put as much distance between us as possible before I do something reckless and unforgivable. The other part—the wolf within—urges me to seize this moment, to stake my claim and make her mine in every sense of the word.

"I..." The words catch in my throat, and I clear it roughly, trying to regain some semblance of control. "I was in the area and thought I'd stop by."

It's a flimsy excuse, and we both know it. Yet, Jenna doesn't call me out on the lie. Instead, a gentle smile curves her lips, and my heart skips a beat. "Well, it's nice to see you."

The sincerity in her voice disarms me, stripping away the walls I've so carefully constructed. I find myself returning her smile, a warmth blooming in my chest that I can't quite explain. "You too."

An awkward silence stretches between us, charged with an electricity that crackles in the air. I should leave, put an end to this before it goes any further. But I can't bring myself to move, captivated by the way her eyes seem to dance with a thousand unspoken thoughts and emotions.

"Everything okay?"

The familiar voice startles me, and I turn to find Sarah Mitchell lingering in the doorway, her brow furrowed in confusion. Of course, Jenna's friend and colleague would be here—a silent witness to whatever this is between us.

Sarah's gaze flicks from me to Jenna and back again, her expression unreadable. For a moment, I fear she might call me out, challenge my presence here. But then, her features soften, and she offers me a polite smile. "Ryan, right? Hannah's brother?"

I nod curtly, unsure of how to navigate this unexpected encounter. Sarah seems to sense my discomfort, for she turns her attention to Jenna. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jen."

With a final, knowing glance in my direction, she slips out of the classroom, leaving Jenna and me alone once more. The silence stretches between us, thick and heavy, until I can't bear it any longer.

"Would you like to grab dinner?" The words tumble from my lips before I can stop them, born of a desperate need to prolong this moment—whatever it is.

Jenna blinks, clearly taken aback by my invitation. "Dinner? But I thought..." She trails off, biting her lower lip in a gesture that sets my pulse racing.

Of course, she's referring to our conversation yesterday, where I'd asked her to keep our connection a secret. In that moment, I'd been so convinced that distancing myself was the right thing to do, the only way to protect us both from the inevitable fallout. But now, with her standing before me, all of my carefully constructed logic crumbles to dust.

"Please," I hear myself saying, my voice rough with a yearning I can't quite conceal. "I'd like to spend more time with you."

Her eyes widen, searching my face for any hint of deception. But there is none—only raw, unguarded honesty. Slowly, the uncertainty in her expression melts away, replaced by a tentative smile that sends my heart soaring.

"Okay," she agrees softly. "Dinner sounds nice."

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