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My heart races as Ryan turns to me. "Zoe, as a human, you're particularly vulnerable. We'll need to assign you a protector as well."

Instinctively, I take a step back. The thought of giving up my hard-won independence, even for my own safety, makes me feel claustrophobic. "No, that's not necessary. I can take care of myself." The words come out more sharply than I intended, a knee-jerk reaction to feeling cornered.

Ryan's eyes soften slightly, but his tone remains firm. "This isn't up for debate. The Howling Pines are dangerous, especially to humans. You need protection."

I open my mouth to argue further, but the words die on my lips as I see the genuine concern in his eyes. I think about my life, the independence I've fought so hard for since leaving the foster care system. The thought of giving up even a fraction of that freedom makes my chest tighten, but I know Ryan's right. This isn't just about me.

"Fine," I concede, my voice tight. "But I have a job, clients. I can't just stay on pack grounds all the time."

Ryan nods. "We'll work something out. Now, we need to assign you a protector."

"I'll do it," Liam's voice pipes up, and I turn to see him stumbling forward. "I can protect Zoe."

Ryan shakes his head. "No, Liam. You're not trained for this kind of situation. We need someone with experience."

I watch as disappointment and anger flash across Liam's face, but before he can argue, Ryan continues.

"Marcus," he calls out. "You'll be responsible for Zoe's protection."

Chapter 4


"Marcus," Ryan's voice cuts through the chaos of my thoughts. "You'll be responsible for Zoe's protection."

My heart races, anticipation and dread flooding through me. Zoe. My mate. The realization hit me like a freight train the moment I caught her scent at the last BBQ.

I never expected to find my mate. For years, I've focused solely on raising Liam and fulfilling my duties as beta of the pack. The possibility of a mate seemed like a distant dream, something for other wolves. And now, here she is—dating my younger brother. The irony is cruel. This assignment is going to be pure torture.

And now, I'm being ordered to protect her.

I glance at Zoe, taking in her defiant stance, the fire in her eyes as she reluctantly agrees to protection. She's strong, independent—everything I find attractive in a woman. And everything that's going to make this assignment a living hell. My body reacts to her presence, a familiar heat pooling low in my belly. Even from across the room, her scent fills my nostrils, making my wolf howl with desire. I shift uncomfortably, grateful for the loose fit of my jeans hiding my body's obvious reaction to her.

"Ryan," I start, my voice low. "I'm not sure if—"

But Ryan cuts me off with a sharp look. "You're the best choice for this, Marcus. You have the training, the experience. I need someone I can trust to keep her safe."

I clench my jaw, knowing I can't refuse an alpha order. But the conflict raging inside me is almost unbearable. How am I supposed to protect her when every instinct in my body is screaming at me to claim her? And then there's Liam. My brother. Her boyfriend.

As if reading my thoughts, Ryan pulls me aside. "I know this isn't ideal," he says quietly. "But I need you focused on this. I'm giving you a few days off from the construction site. Your only job right now is keeping Zoe safe."

I nod, unable to voice the turmoil inside me. As Ryan walks away, I catch Zoe's eye. She looks more inconvenienced than afraid, a slight furrow in her brow as if this protection detail is throwing a wrench in her plans.

"Well," I say, my voice gruffer than I intended. "Looks like we'll be spending a lot of time together."

Zoe nods, her expression unreadable. "I guess so."

I clear my throat, trying to maintain a professional demeanor. "For now, I'll follow you back to your apartment. We can discuss the logistics of this arrangement once we're there."

"Fine," Zoe sighs, running a hand through her hair. "Let's get this over with."

As we stand there, an awkward silence stretching between us, I can't help but wonder how I'm going to survive this. Protecting my mate, who doesn't know she's my mate, while she's dating my brother. It's a recipe for disaster.

But as I look at Zoe, seeing the vulnerability she's trying so hard to hide, I know I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Even if it means guarding my heart as fiercely as I'll be guarding her life.


I follow Zoe to her apartment, my senses on high alert. The streets are quiet, but I can't shake the feeling of unease that's settled in my gut. My wolf is restless, urging me to keep her close, to wrap her in my arms and never let go. But I can't. I have to maintain some distance, no matter how much it kills me.

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