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I nod, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. The reality of the situation crashes over me like a tidal wave.

I love her. I love her fierce independence, her quiet strength, the way she challenges me without even trying. And now, because of that love, she's in danger.

I look at Ryan, my eyes blazing with determination. "We need to find her," I say, my voice low and dangerous. "Now."

Ryan nods, already turning to relay orders to the pack. As they spring into action around me, I stand still for a moment, my fists clenched at my sides.

"I'm coming for you, Zoe," I whisper into the night. "Hold on. I'm coming."

The night stretches ahead. But one thing is certain: I will find Zoe, and God help anyone who stands in my way.

Chapter 10


I burst out of Marcus's front door, my heart pounding against my ribs like it's trying to escape. The cool night air hits my flushed skin, a stark contrast to the heated atmosphere I've just fled. My mind replays the intense argument between Marcus and Liam, their raised voices still echoing in my ears.

"Shit, shit, shit," I mutter under my breath, wrapping my arms around myself.

As I reach the end of the driveway, I fumble for my phone with trembling hands. The screen blurs as tears threaten to spill over. I blink them back furiously, refusing to let them fall. I've cried enough tears in my life; I won't shed any more over a situation I should have never allowed myself to be in.

"Get it together, Zoe," I mutter to myself, my voice barely above a whisper. I open the Uber app, my finger hovering over the screen. Where do I even want to go? Home feels too lonely right now, but I can't think of anywhere else that would offer solace.

As I debate my destination, the events of the past hour replay in my mind like a movie I can't turn off. The heat of Marcus's body as he held me close, the raw emotion in his eyes as he confessed his feelings, the way my heart soared and plummeted in the same breath. And then Liam's arrival, his face contortedwith betrayal and anger. The shouting, the accusations, the look of anguish on Marcus's face as he was torn between his brother and... me.

Me. The girl who grew up bouncing from one foster home to another, never quite belonging anywhere. The girl who learned early on that family is precious, fragile, and not something to be taken for granted. And here I am, driving a wedge between two brothers who only have each other.

"I can't do this," I whisper, my thumb finally pressing down to request a ride. The app chirps cheerfully, informing me that a driver is on the way. Five minutes. I have five minutes to pull myself together.

As I wait for a ride to appear, my mind drifts back to Marcus. His strong arms, his protective presence, the way his eyes seemed to see right through me. For a brief moment, I allowed myself to imagine a future with him, a sense of belonging I've always craved.

"Stop it," I scold myself, shaking my head. "You're being ridiculous. You barely know him."

But even as I try to dismiss these thoughts, I can't ignore the ache in my chest. It's as if something fundamental has shifted inside me, like a puzzle piece I didn't know was missing has suddenly clicked into place.

A car appears on my screen, and I quickly confirm the ride, desperate to put some distance between myself and the Blackwood brothers. I pace back and forth on the sidewalk, my nerves frayed and my emotions raw.

"What were you thinking, getting involved with Liam in the first place?" I mutter, running a hand through my hair. "And now Marcus? God, Zoe, you're such a mess."

I try to focus on my breathing, attempting to calm my racing heart. In, out. In, out. But with each exhale, I feel the weight of my decision pressing down on me. Am I doing the right thing by leaving? Should I go back and try to explain? The questions swirl in my mind, each one leading to another, until I'm dizzy with indecision.

A car turns onto the street, its headlights cutting through the darkness. Relief washes over me as I see my Uber. I step forward, eager to escape this emotional minefield.

I slide into the backseat, confirming my address to the driver without really looking at him. The car pulls away from the curb, and I let out a shaky breath, feeling like I can finally start to breathe again.

It's only when we've been driving for a few minutes that I realize we're heading in the wrong direction. The familiar streets of Whispering Pines are giving way to darker, less populated areas. My heart rate picks up, a cold sweat breaking out on my skin.

"Excuse me," I say, my voice trembling slightly. "I think you've made a wrong turn. My house is in the other direction."

The driver doesn't respond. He doesn't even look back at me. Panic starts to claw its way up my throat.

"Hey!" I say louder, leaning forward. "Did you hear me? You're going the wrong way!"

That's when he finally turns, and the sight of his face in the rearview mirror makes my blood run cold. It's not the bored expression of an Uber driver who's made a mistake. It's a predatory grin, eyes glinting with malicious intent.

"Oh, I heard you just fine, Zoe," he says. "But we're not going to your house. We're going somewhere much more... private."

Recognition hits me like a punch to the gut, but my mind struggles to catch up with the reality of the situation. At first, I'm simply frozen with fear, unable to comprehend how I've ended up in this nightmare scenario. This can't be happening. It has to be some sort of mistake, right?

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