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The silence that follows her departure is deafening, and I wonder if I might have made a mistake.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation. "Liam," I start, trying to keep my voice calm and reasonable. "I know you're hurting, and I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

Liam's head snaps up, his eyes blazing with anger. "Sorry? You're sorry? Do you have any idea what it's like living in your shadow? Always being compared to you, always falling short?"

His words cut deep, each one a reminder of how I've failed him as a brother. "Liam, I never wanted you to feel that way. I've only ever wanted what's best for you."

"What's best for me?" Liam scoffs. "You mean controlling every aspect of my life? Deciding what's best for me without ever asking what I want?"

I feel my own frustration rising. "I was trying to protect you! After Mom and Dad died, I had to step up. I had to make sure you were taken care of."

"I didn't need a father, Marcus!" Liam shouts. "I needed a brother! But you were too busy being the perfect beta, to see that."

His words hit me like a physical blow. Have I really been so blind? "Liam, I-"

But he's not finished. "And now? Now you've taken the one thing that was mine."

I shake my head, trying to make him understand. "Zoe and I... it's not something we planned. It just happened. And she wasn't yours, Liam. She's her own person, free to make her own choices."

Liam lets out a bitter laugh. "Right. And of course, she chose you. Everyone always chooses you."

The pain in his voice is almost unbearable. I take a step towards him, reaching out. "Liam, please. Let's talk about this. We can work through this."

But Liam backs away, his eyes cold. "There's nothing to work through, Marcus. I'm done."

A chill runs down my spine at his words. "What do you mean, you're done?"

Liam straightens up, a look of determination replacing the hurt on his face. "I mean I'm leaving. I'm joining the Howling Pines pack."

The words hit me like a bucket of ice water. "What? Liam, you can't be serious. The Howling Pines pack? They're dangerous!"

"At least there, I won't be living in anyone's shadow," Liam retorts. "I'll make my own way, without you hovering over me."

I feel panic rising in my chest. "Liam, please. Think about what you're saying. This is your home, your pack. You can't just throw that away."

"Watch me," Liam says, his voice cold. He turns and starts walking towards the door.

I move to block his path, desperation coloring my voice. "Liam, wait. Please. We can figure this out. Just... don't go. Not like this."

"Goodbye, Marcus," he says, pushing past me.

The sound of the front door slamming echoes through the house. I stand in the living room, my fists clenched at my sides, my breath coming in short, sharp bursts. The argument with my brother plays on repeat in my mind, each word a fresh cut.

"Damn it," I growl, running a hand through my hair. The beta in me wants to chase after Liam, to finish this, to make him understand. But the older brother in me knows he needs time to cool off.

My wolf paces restlessly beneath my skin, agitated by the confrontation. I take a deep breath, trying to center myself. It's then that a new worry creeps in.


I quickly move to the front door, intending to bring her back inside, but when I open it, she's nowhere to be seen. A pang of guilt hits me as I realize she must have left, probably ordering an Uber in her anger.

Pulling out my phone, I dial her number, hoping to apologize and make sure she's safe. The phone rings, but there's no answer. A mixture of worry and frustration washes over me. Is she not picking up because she's still upset with me? Or could it be something worse?

Half of me wants to believe she's just angry and needs space, but the other half can't shake the nagging fear about the loomingthreat we've been facing. The two emotions war within me, creating a knot of anxiety in my stomach.

Regardless of the reason, the thought of Zoe potentially being in danger consumes me entirely. Whether she's ignoring my calls out of anger or something more sinister is at play, I'm overwhelmed with concern for her safety. I need to find her, to make sure she's okay, to protect her at all costs.

I try calling again. The phone rings once, twice, three times. No answer. My heart rate picks up.

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