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Chapter 1


I step out of Liam's car, my stomach a knot of nerves. The backyard is filled with people I don't know, and I immediately feel out of place. My hand goes to my pale pink hair, a nervous habit.

Liam, seemingly oblivious to my discomfort, strides forward with his usual confidence. I trail behind him, forcing a smile as we approach a group near the grill.

"Hey, everyone! Hope you don't mind, I brought a plus one. This is Zoe," Liam announces, gesturing to me.

I can feel the weight of their gazes. Despite this, they make an effort to welcome me warmly, though their greetings to Liam seem noticeably cooler.

"Sorry we're late," Liam says, his tone unapologetic. "Traffic was a bitch. Oh, hey, new face!"

I follow his gaze to a woman I don't recognize, standing close to a man with his arm around her. The man tightens his hold as he speaks, "Liam, this is Sarah. Sarah, Liam."

Sarah offers a small wave. "Nice to meet you."

Liam grins, clearly about to say something, but I step forward, sensing the tension. "Hi, I'm Zoe," I say, trying to sound warm and friendly despite my nerves. "I hope it's okay that I came. Liam assured me it would be fine."

The group exchanges glances, making my heart sink. But then a man with an air of authority speaks up. "Of course, Zoe. You're more than welcome. Why don't you both grab a drink?"

I nod gratefully at the man's suggestion and make my way to the drink table, Liam following close behind. As I survey the various bottles and mixers, I can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. I'm not much of a drinker, and the array of options is daunting.

"Here, let me fix you something," Liam offers, reaching for a bottle of vodka.

I shake my head, "Thanks, but I think I'll just have a soda for now."

Liam shrugs, pouring himself a generous drink. "Suit yourself."

As he saunters off to mingle, leaving me alone at the drinks table, I can't help but notice he didn't bother to introduce me properly. The realization sends a pang of awkwardness through me, intensifying my feeling of being an outsider.

"I guess I'll grab some food," I mutter to myself, feeling adrift in this sea of unfamiliar faces.

I make my way to the buffet, my focus solely on the array of dishes before me. The aroma of grilled meats and savory sides makes my mouth water, momentarily distracting me from my discomfort. I'm so engrossed in deciding what to try first that I don't notice how close I'm getting to someone else at the table.

Suddenly, I feel a presence beside me, and I look up to find myself face to face with a tall, imposing man. His chiseledjawline is set in a stern expression, dark stubble accentuating his strong features. Dark hazel eyes meet mine, framed by thick brows furrowed in concentration. His broad shoulders stretch the fabric of his dark henley, hinting at a muscular physique beneath. A few strands of his short, dark hair fall across his forehead, giving him a rugged, untamed look that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Looks like we're out of forks," he growls, his voice deep.

I glance around, spotting a bowl of potato chips nearby. Without thinking, I grab a chip and use it to scoop up some potato salad.

"Problem solved," I say with a grin, holding up the improvised utensil.

He looks skeptical, his brow furrowing. "That can't possibly work."

In a moment of playful defiance, I lift the chip to his lips. "Try it."

He hesitates for a moment. Then, to my surprise, he leans forward and takes the bite. His lips brush against my fingers, and I feel a rush of heat to my cheeks.

"Well?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

He chews thoughtfully, then swallows. "It works," he admits gruffly, his expression remaining stern and unyielding. Not even a hint of a smile crosses his face.

His perpetually serious demeanor only makes him more intriguing. He's exactly the type of guy I love to tease, to try and crack that stoic exterior. It's a challenge I can rarely resist.

We stand there for a moment, the air between us charged with something I can't quite name. I notice his nostrils flare slightly as if he's taking in my scent, and a look of surprise flashes acrosshis face. But before I can ponder what it means, Liam's voice cuts through the tension.

"Zoe! There you are. Come on, I want to introduce you to some people."

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