Page 14 of Ruthless Boss

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“Goddamn, you feel good. Your wet, hot pussy rubbing against my cock.”

She gasps, her body arching as she presses her fingernails into my sides. Her head falls back, hair hanging over my desk as she screams in pleasure, her core pulsing around me. My inner beast roars in satisfaction. Finally, she’s mine.

With uncontrolled movements, I thrust into her harder, faster. I take everything she’s offering me, but it’s not enough. I drill harder into her, thrashing and thrusting until we’re both delirious with fiery pleasure.

She comes a second time, her wet heat clenching powerfully around my cock. A roar of satisfaction builds in my throat. Both our bodies are drenched in sweat, mindless, breathless. Her orgasm triggers my own violent release—pumping into her, filling her up, marking her as mine.

With a final shudder, I finish, making sure to hold her still trembling body.

She tucks her head under mine, her breath soft against my bare skin. With reverence, I brush my fingertips gently over her cheek. The beast within me settles back to sleep, content now that I’ve claimed her as my own.

Unfortunately, I don’t think she’s going to like what I have to tell her when she comes into work tomorrow.

Chapter 9


With a smile on my face and a spring in my step, I walk into work. I’m ready to take on the day. It’s amazing what a good orgasm can do for you. Especially when it’s partnered with intimacy and friendship.

I’ve just logged into my computer when Drake pages me. “Miriam, please come into my office.” Moments later I walk through his door, unable to keep the seductive smile off my face.

“Hello there, boss,” I practically purr.

But it seems like I’m the only one in a playful mood because Drake looks as stern as I’ve ever seen him. “Take a seat, Miriam,” he says, his voice flat.

Suddenly, I’m feeling a bit more hesitant about everything. What the hell is going on? With uncertainty a low pulse through my chest, I tuck my skirt under my thighs and sit down.

“Miriam, I have some news for you.”

Shit. Nothing good ever follows that phrase. I thought we had something really special last night, together. But maybe I was alone in thinking that. Maybe this is all just a game to him. My chest tightens with trepidation and a small, but growing, ball of anger.

“Yes, sir?” I ask.

“You’re fired.”

Oh no he didn’t. Like he struck a match and threw it, my little ball of anger erupts into a firestorm.

“What the fuck, Drake?” My voice rises and I stand, unable to stay sitting with the furious energy rolling through me.

“Miriam, if you’ll please just calm down.” Just before the red haze takes over my vision, I see a smirk on his ridiculously handsome face.

“I will not calm down. How dare you do this to me? You don’t know how good you’ve had it. You think someone else will do as good a job as me?” My chest heaves and cheeks flush as I give him a piece of my mind.

He waits until I take a breath. “Of course no one is as good as you. That’s why I’ve decided to invest in your new company.”

“Damn right, no one is as good as me. You can’t fire me, Drake, because I quit!” I try to stomp out his door. Damn these heels for ruining my dramatic exit.

Or maybe they’re lucky heels, because it takes a few steps for me to register what he said. I stop halfway to the door, and turn slowly to face him.

“What did you say about a new company?” My eyes narrow in suspicion.

He doesn’t answer immediately. Instead he pushes a button on his phone and says, “Veronica, please join us.”

While I’m trying to figure out what the hell is happening, Veronica steps through the door looking as elegant as ever in a black blouse and tweed skirt that look fabulous with her silver hair.

“Hello, darling. It’s so good to see you again.” She greets me with air kisses to each cheek. Stupefied, I do my best to return the greeting.

Stepping around me, she walks over to Drake who is now standing. This time, she gives him a light hug. “Hello, my dear nephew. Been getting into trouble lately?”

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