Page 1 of Ruthless Boss

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Chapter 1


Even though I try not to think of my boss that way, it’s impossible not to appreciate his ridiculously appealing body. Especially when he’s halfway undressed and still damp from the shower.

“Miriam, good. You’re here.” Drake Gallagher, Oakwood City financial genius, rubs a towel over his head as he walks toward me. I’ve seen him with a button undone a time or two in the few years I’ve been his Executive Assistant, but this is the first time he’s had his white shirt hanging open, revealing smooth, bronze skin over a legitimate eight-pack of abs. His trim, black beard still glistens with moisture, and his jeans ride low on his hips. I find myself hoping he’ll forget to button up. Surreptitiously, I hope, I check my chin for drool.

“Yep, I’m here,” I chirp nervously. I swear I’m normally more professional than this, but considering the circumstances, I think I’m doing pretty well.

Drake tosses the towel into the laundry basket. We’re in the changing room of his private gym. That’s right, he owns the building and one of the floors is dedicated to his gym, shower, and changing room.

When I first started, he explained that working out helps him think. He must do a lot of thinking.

I’ve met him in here before, but this is the first time he’s ever been less than fully dressed. Maybe I should start coming to work a little earlier.

“What can I help you with today?” Maybe if we start talking about work, I’ll be able to focus on something other than how much I’d like to trace the groove between his abs with my tongue.

“You know Jack, who handles the Fairview accounts?” he asks as he starts buttoning his shirt.

“Yes, I know him.” If a quiet sigh escapes me as he hides that beautiful body, it’s nobody’s business but my own.

“He’s leaving. Moving to someplace in Europe next month,” Drake explains as he puts his socks and shoes on. “We’ll need to find someone to cover his accounts. I need you to reach out to a few of our other representatives to see if anyone can take his accounts. That or we’ll need to hire someone new.”

I’m nodding and making a note on my tablet before I realize the glaring opportunity in front of me. I’ve been wanting to work in finance my entire life. It’s why I majored in business and took this job in the first place. I wanted to see the inner workings of the finance industry and learn from the best.

And I have.

It was never my intention to be Drake’s Executive Assistant for more than a few years. Now, here’s a job opening that’s just right for my next step; it’s not too big, not too small. I’m familiar with Jack’s responsibilities and I’m certain I can do the job well.

“Sir, um. Mr. Gallagher,” I venture more timidly than I would like. With a brisk shake of my head, I force some sense back into me. “I’d like to apply for the position, sir.”

I notice Drake has moved to stand in front of the mirror and is combing his hair. With my comment, he pauses briefly, meeting my gaze in the mirror.

“Do you think you could handle the job?” he asks with his deep, silky voice.

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you think you’re qualified?” His voice gets deeper.

“Yes, I do.” I give a brief, nervous nod of my head, determined to make my case. “I have a degree in Finance and I’ve been shadowing you for three years. I think I know enough to do the job well.”

Drake turns around and walks toward me, power and confidence in every step. For some, he might look intimidating, but I’ve spent enough time with him to know that while he can be ruthless in business, he also has a strict sense of honor.

“Miriam, I’d love to promote you. You know I would.”

I can see where this is going. “But?” I prompt.

“But I don’t think you’re ready.”

I open my mouth to protest, but he cuts me off, “Up until now, you’ve been swimming in the shallow end of the financial industry. You’re great at what you do. You’re reliable, consistent, and honest.”

With each word he speaks, my heart sags a little more. Reliable? Consistent? The words feel insulting on so many levels, I don’t even know how to respond.

“Miriam, all those things that make you great at helping me make you vulnerable in the real world. Frankly, the industry is full of sharks, and you aren’t ready to dive into the deep end.”

He steps around me and opens the door. He pauses for a moment on his way out to say, “Don’t forget to open that position. We need someone for the Fairview accounts as soon as possible.”

My chest tightens as I watch the door close behind him. It almost feels like a metaphorical door slamming on my hopes and dreams. That is, if I allowed Drake Gallagher to determine the direction of my life.

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