Page 4 of Sinful Boss

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Chapter 3


“I’ll see you next week, Sloane.” On Monday, I was halfway to the office when I realized I didn’t know her name. It took some social maneuvering for me to get it from Liam without giving myself away. Since then, her name—and her delicious curves—have haunted my thoughts. In an attempt to remind my libido who's in charge, I add, "Don't forget to pick up my dry-cleaning on Monday.”

Sloane nods her goodbye as she saunters out the door. My gaze gravitates toward her luscious ass, the way it’s done all week. Now, it’s Friday evening, and I can’t decide if I’m glad for a couple days of reprieve, or if I’ll go through withdrawal.

After the first day, she started coming to work in jeans and a form-fitting shirt. Not that it matters what she wears; she always looks like a goddess with creamy skin, long black hair, and flashing blue eyes.

When she arrived on Tuesday, I gave her more appropriate assignments. I actually do need a personal assistant to help me manage my numerous responsibilities. She arranges my calendar, screens my calls, and runs important errands. Sometimes we work from my estate and eat lunch together in my kitchen. Sometimes we work from the Hawthorne Group offices.

So far, she’s been exemplary at her duties. A bit quiet, but she gets the job done. Now it’s just a matter of resisting the urge to expand those duties inappropriately.

I check my calendar one last time, as I do every day before I leave the office. Damn. I forgot I'm going to need assistance tomorrow afternoon for a very important errand. My first thought is Sloane, but I need someone I can trust, and I'm still not certain about her loyalty and discretion. Instead, I pick up the phone and dial my brother. Of all people, he should be willing to help given the sensitive nature of the matter.

“Hey, Max. What’s up?”

“Hello, Grayson. Do you, perchance, have tomorrow afternoon and evening free?”

“Give me a sec. I’ll send Lily a text.”

Thankfully, my brother can’t see me rolling my eyes. Ever since he married Lily, he can’t do anything without her permission. I’m never going to give a woman that much power over me.

Grayson comes back on the line. “She’ll get back to me in a sec. What did you need help with?”

“My regular personal assistant quit last week and it’s time to fulfill the traditional Hawthorne responsibilities.”

He chuckles. “Ah, is it that time of the month?”

“Little brother, that joke got old a long time ago.”

“Hey! It’s funny. Besides, it’s not my fault you lost your sense of humor during puberty.”

My lips purse. I refuse to respond to his mockery.

“Hold on. Lily just replied… I’m sorry. We have plans tomorrow. Do you have someone else who can help?”

“It’s fine. I’ll work something out.” I hang up. It’s been so inconvenient with Grayson living in Fairview. I would never admit it out loud, but I miss my brother. He’s the only person I have a relationship with where I’m confident he doesn’t have an angle.

Shaking my head, I sigh. There’s no way I can cancel these plans. But I can’t do them myself. I’ll have to get Sloane’s assistance.

Pressing her speed dial on the office phone, I put Sloane on speaker.


“Sloane, I need you tomorrow at four o’clock. Meet me in my office.” My thoughts take a detour as I imagine pushing Sloane over my desk and ravishing her.

I’m so distracted by my thoughts that I miss her first response.


“I said no.” She sounds concerned. Like she’s worried I might be confused.

To be honest, for a moment I am confused.

Once her statement registers, my jaw clenches and my temper grows. People don’t say no to me. I’m Maximillian Hawthorne, CEO of the prestigious Hawthorne Group and I will not be patronized. Especially by a woman who barely has the courage to speak in public.

Sloane is my employee. She agreed to the job—and the generous financial compensation. Her job is to do what I say, when I say it.

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