Page 3 of Rugged Boss

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Chapter 2


I glance at my watch. Tess starts her first day of work at my company in eleven minutes. My fingers tap against the top of my desk while I try to pretend I’m getting work done. I already know it’s a lost cause.

Unable to sit any longer, I push to my feet and pace the length of my office. It’s one of those traditional ones with dark wood furniture and big leather chairs. Built-in bookshelves line one wall and windows line another. But I don’t see any of it.

Ever since last Tuesday, I’ve been distracted by the memory of gorgeous blue-gray eyes and soft, honey-brown hair. I’d been standing in line, eyes locked on a delectable ass showcased by a tight black pencil skirt, fighting to contain my arousal. When the owner of those curves couldn’t find her wallet, I saw an opportunity too good to miss.

After that first exchange, I was determined to make her mine. If I had anything to say about it, I’d wake up every morning with her sweet nectar on my lips, and go to bed every night with her thick thighs wrapped around my hips.

As soon as Tess left the cafe for her interview, I raced back to my office to write an email to Human Resources with instructions to hire her. A few hours later, they messaged me back that she accepted the position and would start on Monday.

That’s today. I spent the weekend thinking about Tess. Her innocence combined with a fierce drive to keep fighting. She fascinated me from the first moment, and with every minute in her company, my obsession only grew stronger.

I’ve never been known for my patience. When I find something I want, I go after it full force. And I definitely want Tess. It’s against my nature to wait. Which is probably why I’m checking my watch every thirty seconds. I’m ready for her to be in my building and under my protection.

“Rand, what’s your schedule like today?” My thoughts are interrupted by the VP of Design, Jesse. He’s been with me from the beginning. We grew up in the same neighborhood, both bullied but for different reasons. Me, because of my mother’s Mexican heritage, and Jesse for his sexual preferences. I’ve never been a fan of stereotyping and prejudices. He’s great at his job and his love life is none of my business. No one’s is. Well, except for Tess’. Now that I know her, everything about her is my business.

“I have a meeting about the Oakwood Club addition this morning. And this afternoon, we need to go over the details of the Hawthorne project.”

Jesse’s eyes light up with delight at the mention of the Oakwood Club. He’s a little dramatic, but he’s a good friend and business partner. “I love that club. It’s so exclusive and delicious. I heard they have a secret level just for the wealthiest members. Tell me you’re going to join when this project is done.”

“You know I don’t have any interest in spending even more time with those pricks. All I want to do is build their fancy mansions and enjoy their money.”

“You’re no fun.” Jesse rolls his eyes and pouts. “What about lunch today? Want to go to that new Asian fusion place around the corner?”

“I already have plans for lunch.”

“Fine. Fine. Fine. I see how it is.” Jesse spins with a hair flip, even though his curly brown hair is no more than two inches long. “I’ll see you at our meeting at two, then.” He struts out the door.

Like it’s been all weekend, as soon as I don’t have something else to distract me, my mind goes straight to Tess. One good thing about Jesse’s interruption—he helped pass the time. I check my watch. It’s two minutes to nine.

I stride toward the stairs, determination in every muscle. Right now, I have Tess working on the floor below mine. I won’t spend every day with an aching hard on because she’s constantly walking her sweet ass by my office. And I kind of like that she doesn’t know that I own the company. We’ll get to know each other as equals.

A minute later, I walk down the hallway to Tess’ new office. Her door is open so I lean against the frame. She doesn’t notice me right away, too busy arranging the items on her desk. I take the time to appreciate the view. Her wavy, honey-brown hair falls loosely over her shoulders. I can’t see all her curves, but even her black shirt and red jacket can’t hide her ample breasts. Her lipstick matches the jacket. She looks amazing. I wonder what she’d look like with those plump lips wrapped around my—

“Rand! I didn’t see you there!” Tess’ surprised voice interrupts my thoughts. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

“I work here, too.”

“What? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” Her lips curve into a bright smile. “I’m so glad I’ll know someone here. It’s my first day and I’m a bit nervous.”

“Has someone been rude to you?” My voice comes out a bit sharper than I intended, but she doesn’t seem to notice.

“No, everyone has been kind. My supervisor showed me around and then gave me a few minutes to get settled. It’s just such a new experience.”

“You’ll do fine. Remember? You’re a fighter.” I straighten and wander closer to her desk. “So this is your office? Not bad.”

“Right? This office is gorgeous, and it even has a window.”

“What are your plans for lunch?” I’ve been patient. Enough waiting. Enough small talk. A little less conversation, a little more action.

“I don’t have any plans, other than a yogurt and an apple I stashed in the break room.”

“Let me take you out today.” It’s more of an order than a question. “To celebrate your first day of work.”

Tess tilts her head to the side as she looks at me, a hopeful innocence in her blue-gray eyes. “I’d like that. Thank you, Rand.” She straightens in her seat, shoulders going back. “Now, I’d better get to work. I don’t want to get in trouble on my first day.”

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