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He flipped a salute, and I watched the broadness of his back swiftly disappear in the crowd of people. I wished it didn’t feel so much like a final goodbye.

I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled before pivoting on my heels to resume my search for my husband.

After passing ten gyrating bodies at the center of the rooftop, I found him at a corner, with one hand in his pocket and the other going through his hair.

God, this man is sexy, even without extra effort.

A man like him, with all that rough ruggedness, tended to stand out in the midst of balloons and cake.

He was in the company of three tall men. Two I recognized, and the other I didn’t. One of them was Arlo, the lawyer—the fine man with the buzzcut and buffy shoulders who had knocked me out in my apartment months back, which was slowly starting to feel like a lifetime ago.

When Anatoly’s eyes met mine, he muttered something to them, and all eyes turned to me. I marched up to Egor’s side, feeling small beside his sturdy frame and even smaller when he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

“Are you okay? Is the baby fine?”

The warmth of his breath tickled my chin, and I forced myself to concentrate on the reason I’d sought him out and not how much I wanted to lean into him.

“Yes. Yes, we’re fine.” I licked my lips, still holding his eyes. “Egor, did you…did you do all this?”

Just as he was about to speak, someone else cut in.

“All this?Uh, no. Technically, I did, with Alex’s help.”

I raised my head to stare at the source of the husky voice, and…I blinked. And blinked again to be sure that my vision hadn’t doubled.

The resemblance was uncanny. They shared almost everything except the eyes. While Egor’s were green, he had sharp brown eyes that left little unnoticed. But the height, stature, firm lips, chiseled jawline, and a body that belonged to gods were all intact. While the others put on semi-formalclothes, he wore an olive T-shirt with black leather pants, a pair of black Timberlands, and a leather jacket slung over his arm. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought he was a biker.

Yeah.This had to be the other Yezhov on the low radar.

“You must be….”

“Nikolai Yezhov.Korol’sbrother.” He extended a hand, and I noticed the fascinating midnight blue-black butterflies-on-thorns tattoo draped from his elbow to his wrist. “It’s finally nice to meet the woman who stole my brother’s peace of mind. And yeah, you’re more fucking gorgeous in person.”

“Niko,” Egor growled half-heartedly, and I heard myself laugh. He had this ease around him that made me instantly relax.

“Well, it’s nice to finally meet the most talked about Niko, who always forgets to set his alarms for important meetings.”

His smile was as charming as his face. “Guilty as charged.”

“Who’s Alex, though?”

He glanced over my shoulder. “A certified event planner. She helped get this place together. Plus, Arlo chipped in the part about including your favorite color. So, technically,wedid all the work here.”

Instinctively, my gaze fleeted to my dress and back to Egor, who looked a little bit annoyed.

I opened my mouth to say something, but an excited voice on the microphone snatched the attention of the guests.

“It’s time for the reveal, everyone.”

My brows wrinkled. “But how—”

“Look at the sky, wife.”

I stood beside him, scanning the horizon, expecting something out of the ordinary, but I saw nothing. Just as I was about to turn back to him, a burst of pink light illuminated the sky. Fireworks exploded above us, delicate pink unfolding like petals in the sky.

Screams and cheers erupted from all around, and I gasped in wonder. “We’re having a girl?” I exclaimed, my voice barely above a whisper, and he nodded, his eyes giving a subtle hint of happiness.

I felt my heart swell with joy, and without realizing it, I grasped his hand tightly, my fingers intertwining with his. Electricity went through our fingers, and the twitch on his brow told me he’d felt it, too, but neither of us let go.

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