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I knew I wanted this child,ourchild. It was the only reason I’d married her.

The only reason.

So, if she tried to give birth and died….

Fucking no.

Trying to comprehend the thought was like creating a vacuum, a hole in my chest. The doctor's words echoed in my mind—to ensure her well-being. I couldn't risk having her dead—not now, not ever—even if I struggled to understand why I was feeling this way.

I opened my mouth at the same time she opened hers, but she beat me to it.

“I am keeping my baby.”

Our eyes snapped to hers, the doctor mirroring my shock. I wanted to shake her and ask if she was crazy. Did she not just hear what the doctor said, that she coulddie?

“Freya, listen….” Dr. Millie tried intercepting in a way I knew I’d have done worse—I’d have shaken or threatened the sense back into her. But she wasn’t having any of it. Her mind was made up.

“I’m keeping my baby, and that’s final. I’ve gone too far to turn back now.”

My gaze lingered on her face, taking in the subtle curve of her lips and the piercing golden-brown flecks of her eyes. I noticed the sharp lines of her jaw, the determined set of her shoulders. Freya Fox Yezhov was a woman who didn’t back down from a challenge, and I admired that about her. But now, I wasn’t sure that resilience was what we needed. For the first time ever in my life, I was considering playing it safe.

The whole time she talked to the doctor, she made sure my eyes didn’t meet hers.

“Do you know how long I have waited to have my baby in my arms? I told you not to disclose its sex for a reason. I want the surprise of meeting him or her. I want to prepare. I want to….” Her voice broke, and she lifted her chin with even more anger. “No one is going to deny me that opportunity. Not even me.”

Stubborn,feisty,determined.Like me.It turned me on, like flicking a switch and revving an engine, and made me want to smack her hard at the same time.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and curled a fistful of the sheets. “Tell me the precautions. That’s the only thing I want to hear.”

Doctor Millie, who’d resigned herself to knowing she dealt with one of the most hard-headed people ever, backed away with a sigh but maintained her composure. “Fine. If you’re one hundred percent sure that you are ready to go ahead with this pregnancy, there are things youmustdo to avoid complications with your preeclampsia.”

I listened intently as Dr. Millie outlined the precautionary measures we’d need to take.

“First, we need to be vigilant,” she said and started to explain that Freya would need to follow a strict diet, low in sodium and high in protein, to help manage her blood pressure. She’d also need to take medication precisely as prescribed to control her hypertension and prevent seizures.

“Rest is crucial,” she stressed and then looked at me. “She should avoid any strenuous activities and get at least eight hours of sleep each night.”

She also recommended regular monitoring and blood tests to monitor her condition closely and catch any potential issues before they became serious.

But it was her final point that really struck me. “Most importantly,” she said, “Freya needs to be in a stress-free mental state. She needs to behappy.” She explained that stress could exacerbate her condition, leading to complications, so it was essential we create a peaceful environment for her.

Hearing that did something to me, like a boost to ensure I did everything in my power to protect both her and the baby. Who the fuck was I kidding? I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I was willing to try. For them.

The doctor faced Freya and regarded her closely with narrowed eyes. “Did you catch all that, Superwoman? Are you sure you’ll be able to keep up?”

As expected, Freya was hesitant. Then, her eyes finally met mine. It came with a bulldozing flash of hurtful memories—herhurt. She let me in on everything—her pain, her loneliness. In that moment, she was fragile and vulnerable. I knew she was thinking about the challenges ahead, the difficulties of managing her condition alone.

When I’d kidnapped her, strangled her after hearing how she tried to escape…I’d created a hostile environment for her.

I smoothened my palm down my suit and tie.

She was asking me silently how she was going to do this by herself.

Without thinking, I spoke up. “Yes, she’ll keep up. Because I will take care of her.”

Freya’s eyes widened in shock, her mouth opening slightly as if she was about to speak. But no words came out. She just stared at me, her expression a mix of surprise and doubt.

I knew what she was thinking—I’d never done it before, so how could a man like me, the bane of her existence, take care of her?

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