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I narrowed my eyes at Anatoly and turned back to the screen. The playfulness in Niko’s eyes was gone now, and a confused frown was in its place.

“She’s twenty-two,” I said for clarity.

“Still looks like a kid to me,” Anatoly muttered. “Niko, imagine my shock when I found out she’s a detective.”

“A detective—Jesus,Egor.... What the actual fuck?” Niko looked like he couldn’t breathe. Using his hands to accentuate his surprise, he added, “I thought we were trying to stay awayfrom the cops. Not have them targeting missiles at your location. Why do you have a detective in your basement?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but Anatoly snatched the words right out. “She’s not in the basement. We’re in one of the penthouses, and she’s in one of the rooms.”

Nikolai drew closer to the screen, close enough for me to see the dark flecks in his eyes when he looked into the camera.His tone dropped a notch. “And you’re sure this is a kidnapping situation?”

“I swear, it is.” Anatoly was laughing now. “Arlo knocked her out. He had a bruised jaw. Said she punches like a man, and now she’s got a black eye, too.”


Clearly, Niko wasn’t sure whether or not to find it funny. Rather unfortunately for them,Iwasn’t finding it funny.

Niko arched a brow. “What’s going on,Korol?”

“If the two of you would allow me to speak, maybe you’d know what’s going on.” My hands went through my hair, and I released an exasperated sigh. “She knows, Niko.”

Dark brows furrowed on his forehead, and his whisper was harsh. When he scooted closer, the table rattled his camera. “She knows what?”

Anatoly’s ears perked up, his laughter fading into the background.

“About Uncle Boris. She knows I killed him and claims to have evidence.”


“What the hell?”

They both exclaimed at the same time. Then, Niko backed up, questioning me with his eyes. “Wait, hold up, I hope you don’t think....”

“We did it,” Anatoly finished for him. “We would never even think of—”

“I know.”

Only three people knew about what happened three years ago. My brother, Anatoly, and Arlo. Some nights in the jail cell, I thought about the possibility of the information leaking from either of them. But as quickly as the thoughts came, they vanished. They’d proven to be loyal to a fault, and....

“You guys have much more to lose if you choose to leak that info. But I don’t doubt either of you, including Arlo. I just need to figure out how the hell she found out and how much she knows. That’s why I brought her here.”

They were quiet for a while, slowly processing the new information I’d released.

Niko collapsed on his seat, and Anatoly walked up to me, his heavy boots thumping on the gleaming tiles. “Okay, so what now? What do you plan to do with your little captive?”

I looked up at him, but before I could answer, a loud thud resounded from upstairs.

I smiled.

“Would you look at that?Moy malen’kiy plennik prosnutsya.”

My little prisoner is awake.

Chapter 8 – Freya



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