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She slid from the bed and went to the dresser, opening it as quietly as possible. She just wanted a t-shirt to slip into, then she’d go downstairs and figure out how to make breakfast without any electricity.

She reached into the drawer and found a t-shirt, but as she pulled her hand out, her eye caught on a black velvet box in the corner.

It would be snooping to look, but it’s not like she went through the drawer on purpose. She’d been getting a t-shirt. It was completely innocent. But now, with the black box staring at her, she couldn’t ignore it. She took the box in her hand and turned it over. It definitely looked like a ring box, but why would he have a ring box in his drawer?

Curiosity got the best of her, and she snapped the box opened. Staring back at her was a beautiful princess cut diamond on a platinum band. The beauty took her breath away and stunned her for a moment. It was so classy and elegant. She could imagine it on her finger… but it wasn’t for her.

While they’d talked about getting married three years ago, that’s all it ever was, talk.

Did he have someone back in Seattle? Why else would he have an engagement ring in his drawer? It wasn’t something someone just had or carried around without the intention of giving it to someone. Then why did he come back to Morgan’s Bay if he had someone in Seattle? Or maybe they broke up, and that’s why he’d returned.

God, was she that stupid? Did she just sleep with him when he had planned on marrying someone else? Her heart ached at the thought. Even after he’d left, she always hoped he’d find his way home to her. She couldn’t imagine marrying anyone else, but maybe he’d moved on and she was in his life again complicating things.

She’d already done enough damage to him. How could she stand in his way of happiness?

She closed the drawer, looked at Nolan resting peacefully in bed, then grabbed her clothes and left.


Nolan stirred and rolled over, draping his arm on… nothing. He patted the bed, searching for the warmth of Isla’s body. When he couldn’t find it, he opened his eyes, only to be filled with disappointment. She was gone.

His cell rang before he could speculate. “Isla?” he answered; his eyes barely opened.

“Nope, just me,” Milo said. “Did I wake you?”

‘No, it’s fine. What’s up?”

“I don’t know if you’ve been out, or even glanced out your window, but it’s bad out there. I’m going to go check on my place then see if any of the older people in town need any help and wanted to see if you wanted to tagalong.

“Sure, that sounds great.” If Nolan could help a single person, it would be worth it. The older people of Morgan’s Bay had always looked out for Nolan’s generation, and he was happy to help out. “Is everyone safe?”

“So far it seems everyone is accounted for and safe. Some houses were hit hard and have severe damage, but houses can be fixed.”

Maybe Isla was next door, checking on the house. That made sense.

“Power is out for most of the town, and there are trees down all over. Just got cell service a little while ago. Mrs. Wheeler already called me. She has a tree down in her driveway, and she’s panicking.”

“She doesn’t even use her driveway.” Mrs. Wheeler didn’t drive and her family paid Milo to bring her to and from her appointments as well as grocery shopping.

“You think that matters?” Milo laughed. “I told her I’d stop by and evaluate the damage, see if there was anything I could do.”

“Any word on your place?”

“No, which is why I want to head down there as soon as possible to assess the damage.”

“I’ll get dressed and meet you.”

“Your car is probably the worst vehicle to be driving right now. I’ll swing by and grab you with Harper’s Jeep.”

“She’s okay with that?”

“Yeah, she’s going to stay with her mom and Tom. He’s a little freaked out still.”

“Anything I can do? Let him body slam me a few times?”

Milo laughed. “It might help. We’ll keep that on the back burner. I’ll see you soon.”

Nolan hung up and got to his feet. He ran a hand over his face and dialed Isla’s number, but it went right to voicemail. He slipped into a t-shirt and shorts and headed outside.

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