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“And why I keep coming back to you.” Raelyn gathered her papers and put them all into her folder. She placed her planner on top and jotted a few things down before looking up at Isla. “Now that the business portion of our meeting is over. Want to tell me what’s going on with Nolan?”

Raelyn was more than a professional acquaintance; she was also a good friend who Isla had grown up with. “According to the rumor mill, Nolan was at your place last night and there was pizza involved.”

Isla shook her head. “Word travels fast.”

“In this town, it travels faster than the train to Penn. Now spill the deets.”

“There’s nothing to spill. He’s helping me with some home repairs, and we ordered a pizza.”

Raelyn’s head tilted, and her lips pursed. “You honestly think I’m going to believe that?”

“It’s the truth.”

“I’m not saying it’s not, but there is a lot more to that story.”

“Don’t you have a client to go harass? Or another vendor?”

Raelyn looked at the designer watch on her wrist. “Not for another ten minutes, and you know how much I can accomplish in ten minutes.”

“Just enough time to nag me to death.”

“Exactly, so let’s avoid the slow torturous death and get it over quick and smoothly.”

“There’s not much to say.”

“Not much to say? Your ex is back in town after three years, he’s living in the house right next door to you, and we all know you’re still in love with him.”

Isla’s head popped back. “What?”

“You haven’t dated a single guy since he left, and you bought plenty single lady toys at my sex toy party. Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Besides, I’ve known both of you a long time. What you two had isn’t something you get over in a lifetime, and since neither of you are close to knocking on heaven’s door…” Raelyn shrugged.

“It doesn’t matter. Even if I am, he’s moved on.”

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

“No, at least I don’t think he does.” She never asked; she didn’t think it was any of her business.

“Then it definitely matters.”

“I humiliated him. He’s not going to want to get back together with me.”

“Think about it for a second. He came here. His parents moved away a year ago. Why not go stay with them? Why return to an empty house?”

“He has friends here. Milo and Connor.”

“While I love both of them, I wouldn’t leave a place like Seattle to come back here for them. There was something else pulling him here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t even realized it yet.”

“You’ve always been a hopeless romantic.”

“Now if the man of my dreams could get on my schedule and make an appearance in my life already, I’d be happy, but since he’s being rude and making me wait, I have to live vicariously through you.”

“You’re only setting yourself up for disappointment then.” Nolan had kissed her last night, but today he hadn’t even as much as walked too close to her. If she had to guess, he had gone home and stewed in regret all night.

“You keep thinking that.” Raelyn picked up her planner and folder. “Next time I see you, I’ll be happy to say I told you so.”

Raelyn left like she arrived, fast and with purpose. Isla started working on the centerpieces, but her mind kept drifting to her kiss with Nolan, and Raelyn’s words.

Could she be right? Did Nolan coming home to Morgan’s Bay mean something more than she thought?

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