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“We already decided that nothing will fit in that car of yours.”

“You could’ve lent me the keys to this.” He patted the old metal. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve driven it.” Living next door to Mrs. Garrick, Nolan used to help her out whenever she needed, which included driving to the store to pick up mulch for the yard or taking the truck for a test spin after he helped give it a tune up. Mrs. Garrick also lent him the keys when he had a special date planned for Isla and his old Honda decided to blow the head gasket a few hours before. They also made good use of the backseat that night.

His eyes drifted to that very spot, and vivid memories flooded his mind. A smile curved his lips, and Isla cleared her throat.

“It’s already done,” she said.

“Okay. Let’s go then.”

In the truck, Nolan grabbed his seatbelt and made a show of buckling it into place.

Isla rolled her eyes. “Very funny.”

He lifted his hands in front of him. “Just being safe.”

“Don’t tempt me to hit a tree.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“You’re right. I couldn’t hurt the truck.”

He’d missed this—the back-and-forth fun banter that came so naturally with her. He’d been so caught up in work, he barely had time to even make new friends in Seattle. Being back in Morgan’s Bay, he wondered if he did have a chance, if any of the people he met would have been able to hold a candle to Isla. She had not only been his first love, but she’d also been his best friend. They just connected on a level that he never could explain, and no one else got him the way she did.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

“Why do you think I’m thinking about anything?”

“Whenever you’re overthinking or are in deep thought about something, your brow furrows.”

“Is that so?”

She nodded, a smug look crossing her pretty features. “Yup. And we’re getting old so you better stop it or you’ll wind up with wrinkles.”

He barked out a laugh. “Wrinkles don’t bother me. Besides, they make men look more refined.”

“Keep telling yourself that. So, what are you thinking about? Work?”

“You, actually.”

Her eyes widened for a split second. “Oh. About what? How I’m ragging you out of the house to buy sheetrock?”

“Not quite. I was thinking about how you know me better than anyone else. Funny that you just proved that point. I didn’t even know my brow furrows when I’m thinking.”

“It’s not like it’s not hard to pick up on. You do it all the time.”

“Maybe you’re just the only person who cares to notice when I have something on my mind.”

“Maybe.” She pulled into the big box store a few towns over and put the truck in park. “You survived.”

“It was a bit touch and go there for a minute.”

“What are you talking about? I drove like the perfect driver the entire way here.”

“There was that car you cut off when getting onto the highway.”

She let out an exaggerated groan. “The guy was pacing me. What was I supposed to do? Run out of runway and drive down the shoulder? He gave me no choice.”

“I was kidding.”

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