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Nolan cut her objection off with a soul-melting smile. “Nothing can be worse than last time.”

She couldn’t argue with him there. “I guess you’re right.”

“We’ve weathered worse, and honestly, let them think what they want. We know the truth.”

She nodded, even if she wasn’t exactly sure what that truth was.

Chapter 15

7 Years Ago

It was two days after Christmas, and Nolan sat at his desk, trying to catch up on schoolwork he’d fallen behind on. He had no idea what possessed him to take multiple AP classes, but he was kicking himself now. He could’ve breezed through his senior year, but instead he overdid it.

If he failed any of his classes, he’d be benched. Coach was all about the team performing well, both on the court and in the classroom. Being benched wasn’t an option. So instead of enjoying his vacation like the rest of his friends, he was frying his brain with AP computer science and AP calculus.

A knock on his bedroom door jolted him out of his textbook. He spun in his chair, and the tension that had been plaguing his shoulder blades eased at the sight of Isla. She looked adorable with her reddened nose and red knit hat with a big pompom on the top.

She waved a gloved hand at him, and he got up to give her a kiss. He could feel her smile against his lips.

He pulled back and kissed her forehead. “Hey.”

“I was knocking on the front door, and when you didn’t answer, I just let myself in. I hope that’s okay.”

“Of course.” He ran a hand over his face. “Sorry I didn’t even hear you.”

“I’m guessing your parents already left for upstate?” His parents were going skiing at Gore Mountain for a few days and would return in time to ring in the new year.

“They did. This morning.”

“Then why aren’t you downstairs, eating ice cream out of the carton and lounging on the couch in your underwear?”

He laughed. “I would, but I have a lot of work to do.”

“But it’s Christmas break.”

“I can’t get any more behind in my classes than I already am.”

“Is that why you’re stressed out?”

“I didn’t say I was stressed out.”

“No, but you were sleep walking the other night.”

“You were here for that?”

She nodded. “Your mom said you do that when you get stressed out.”

“Between midterms, college applications, and work, I guess I’ve been a little more stressed than usual.”

“Why didn’t you say anything to me?”

“You have your own problems. I didn’t want to weigh you down with mine.”

“Nolan, your problems are my problems. That’s how relationships work. We talk to each other, tell each other what’s on our minds.” She wrapped him in a hug, and he melted into her comfort. “Tell you what. You finish whatever it is you're working on, and I’ll go downstairs and whip something up for dinner.”

“Isla, you burn water.”

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