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She bit her lip, and heat filled her cheeks. “Good to know.” She filled two glasses with iced tea and passed him one. She held it up. “Cheers.”

He clinked his glass to hers. “Cheers.”

They each took a sip, then got to work. Isla grabbed a few boxes and placed them on the counter, and Nolan started taking out glasses, vases, and water bottles from the cabinet. Nolan held up each item, and Isla decided whether she wanted to keep or toss. By the fifth cabinet, the boxes were filled.

“I can’t believe how much unnecessary stuff she had jammed into these cabinets.”

“What are you going to do with all of this?”

“I’m thinking I might have a yard sale, and any money I make, I’ll donate to the hospital in my grandma’s name.”

“I think that’s a great idea. She’d love it.”

“Hey are you hungry? It’s well past dinner, and I haven’t eaten since earlier.”

“Starving actually.”

“Want to get a pie delivered from Tony’s? My treat for all your help.”

“Throw in cheesy breadsticks, and I’m down.”

“Deal!” She grabbed the phone and placed the order with Diane, who’d been working the counter at Tony’s since Isla was in elementary school. She hung up and put the phone on the table. “They said thirty minutes.”

“Perfect. Want to go through a few more cabinets before they get here?”

“I’m kind of ready for a glass of wine and the couch.”

He smiled. “I’m not going to argue there.”

“I have beer if you prefer.”

“I’ve actually acquired a taste for wine. I’m a big fan of cabernets but also won’t turn down a Riesling.”

“Then you’re in luck. I have a cabernet waiting to be opened. Go get comfy, and I’ll bring it in.”

“Any requests for shows or movies?”

“You’ve always had pretty good taste. I’ll trust your judgment.” He walked out of the kitchen and Isla headed over to the cabinet that had all the wine glasses that made the keep pile. She stepped and pain shot through her foot. A scream ripped from her mouth, and she jumped up on her other foot, grabbing the counter and biting back the pain that was pulsating through her heal.

Nolan ran back, coming to a skidding halt in front of her. “What happened?”

“I think I stepped on a piece of glass.” They both looked down at her foot, and she closed her eyes when she saw her white sock turning red. “Oh boy. That’s not good.”

The ground disappeared from beneath her, and Nolan hurried to the bathroom. She linked her arms around his neck and didn’t argue. In the bathroom, he put the seat down and placed her on the toilet. He sat across from her on the edge of the tub and took her foot in his hand. “Oh yeah, that’s a big chunk. I have no idea how I missed that. I’m sorry.”

She winced. “Not your fault. I’m the one who broke the stupid glass to begin with. Can you get it out?”

“It’s probably going to hurt.”

She forced a smile through the pain. “And you just told me you wouldn’t hurt me again.”

“Please don’t send Tom after me.”

Despite the pain, she laughed. “I promise, I won’t.”

“I’m going to have to pull it out before I can take your sock off and determine how deep it went. Are you okay with me doing that?”

She didn’t even have to think about it. She’d trust Nolan with her life. She nodded.

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