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This time, though, the scent was so strong it felt as if she was with him. Her warmth wrapped around him, and the soft skin of her arms was like heaven. He sighed, pulling her to him, and nuzzling her neck. He pressed an open mouth kiss to her skin, tasting her floral scent.

The vision of her blurred, and he fought his body and mind to stay asleep. The harder he fought, the more Isla faded, until all that was left was the dim of early morning. He blinked open his eyes and caught a glimpse of blonde before being pummeled with that familiar floral scent.

It hadn’t been a dream. Isla was in his arms. What in the…?

“What the hell are you doing here?” he shouted as he jumped from the bed.

She woke with a gasp, grabbing her chest. “Jesus, you scared me half to death.”

“Scared you? I’m not the one who climbed into your bed!”

She let out a perturbed laugh.

“Do you think this is funny?” he demanded.

Her eyes narrowed as she stood, rolling her shoulders back and stretching to her full height. “Oh yeah, a real riot.” She pushed her hair out of her face and marched toward the door. “I should have left you to get hit by a car or taken out by a pack of wolves.”

“Wolves? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Forget it.”

He grabbed her wrist and halted her. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“I found you outside wandering around the yard at two o’clock in the morning.”

He ran a hand over his face. “Shit. I was sleepwalking.”

“Yeah, you were, and I should have let you figure that out on your own, but no, my stupid heart that you like so much wouldn’t let me leave you to fend for yourself. I went out and guided you back to the house. I would have left, but you fell on me! Do you have any idea how much you weigh in your sleep? You’re like a freaking beluga whale.”

“That’s very specific.”

“This isn’t funny. You trap me in bed, and I get yelled at. Like I said, I should’ve left you to the wolves.”

“We don’t have wolves in Morgan’s Bay.”

She let out a loud growl. “Whatever. The point is I should have left you there, but I didn’t, so you’re welcome, you ungrateful jerk.”

“Isla, I…”

She shoved his chest and stormed out the door. He ran after her, donning only his boxer briefs, but by the time he got to the front door, she was already gone.

Chapter 13

“He didn’t even say thank you!” Isla declared as she rehashed her morning to Harper and Olivia at Aunt Greta’s over a generous helping of pancakes. She was so annoyed she opted for chocolate chip pancakes with extra whipped cream. She didn’t care if it was technically dessert; she needed a whole lot of sugar comfort, so she didn’t go back to Nolan’s and knock him upside the head.

Olivia laughed. “Oh, I can only imagine Nolan’s face when he realized you were in his bed.”

“I’m surprised he didn’t piss himself,” Harper added over her mug of pomegranate herbal tea.

“Can’t guys not pee when they have… you know.” Isla angled her gaze downward.

“Wait,” Harper said. “He was hard.”

Isla waved her hand at her. “Lower your voice before the whole town hears Nolan had morning wood, and I was there to witness it.”

“I don’t know why you didn’t lead with that,” Harper said.

“I pretended like I didn’t notice even though it was hard not to.”

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