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Isla: You’ll never guess who my new neighbor is.

It only took a few seconds for her phone to chime with a new message.

Olivia: Leonardo DiCaprio

Harper: A Russian spy!

Isla laughed at both of their outlandish guesses. And even though they were as ridiculous as they came, she doubted the truth would be any less shocking. She typed her reply.

You’re both wrong. Would you believe me if I said it was more jaw-dropping than that?

Harper: Who is it?

She typed his name and stared at it. Even just seeing his name written out brought on a sense of emotions she didn’t want to deal with.

Isla: Nolan.

Olivia: He’s back in town? Are you sure?

Isla: Oh yeah. Beautifully sculpted chest and all. I’ll tell you about it tonight.

Olivia: I’ll bring the wine.

Harper: Screw that. I’m bringing vodka!

The girls showed up a few hours later. Harper threw the door open and stepped inside with a bottle of vodka held high. “I’m not driving. Get the shot glasses.”

Olivia took the bottle from her hand and shook her head. “We’re not doing shots.”

Isla met them at the door and grabbed the bottle. “Speak for yourself.”

“But I brought cranberry juice and triple sec for cosmos.”

“Do people even drink those anymore?” Harper asked.

Olivia sighed. “I am keeping the memory of Carrie Bradshaw alive.” Growing up, Olivia wanted to be the main character on Sex and the City, and for a while, she lived the city girl life, but came back to their small town after she caught her then boyfriend cheating on her. It was a blessing in disguise. Isla never liked the jerk, and besides, Olivia met Shane, who was clearly her soulmate.

Thinking of soulmates made Isla’s heart hurt. She’d always believed Nolan was her soulmate until he left. She opened the vodka and took a swig right from the bottle.

“Okay…” Harper’s eyes widened as Isla gulped. “It’s going to be one of those nights.”

“We’re not driving,” Olivia echoed Harper’s earlier sentiment.

They convened in the kitchen and sat around the table, forgoing glasses and passing the bottle around.

Harper took a swig, her nose wrinkling before handing the bottle to Olivia. “So, what did you say to him?”

Isla dropped her head to the table with a loud thump.

“I’m guessing nothing noteworthy.”

Isla’s head popped up, and she slumped in her chair. Olivia handed her the bottle, and Isla took a healthy sip. She winced at the burn. “I thought I’d be neighborly, you know, take a page from my grandma, and bring over brownies.”

Olivia laughed. “That’s very Susie Homemaker of you.”

“I thought so. I didn’t even burn them.”

“Enough about the brownies.” Harper waved her hand. “Get to the good part.”

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