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“What exactly am I getting myself into?” Nolan asked before getting up from the table.

“We might also have to put the furniture together before moving it. I tried to hire someone to do it, but Harper bitched about the money.”

“She knows you’re loaded, right?” Milo had won a massive settlement after getting mowed down by a drunk driver.

“Everyone does, but my girlfriend doesn’t want my money. Do you know the hell I went through just to get her to take the loan to open her studio? Some fights are not worth having.”

“Isla’s not going to be there, is she?”

Milo waved his hand. “Nah. She’s been too busy at the house, and Harper’s giving her time to settle in.”

Nolan had no idea why that made him sad. He should’ve been happy that he wouldn’t have subject himself to another uncomfortable conversation. But somewhere deep inside, he didn’t mind those conversations. Maybe he enjoyed seeing her flustered, remorse flashing in her eyes. It made him know that she gave a damn, and for a while, he hadn’t been sure if she had.

Nolan followed Milo out of the house and got in the passenger seat. They pulled up to Harper’s new storefront and parked right in front. At this end of Main Street there wasn’t a lot of traffic, so the spaces were easier to come by.

Inside, Nolan looked around at the barren space. Boxes piled high to the ceiling sat to the left, and Harper stood in front of a wall half painted with a beach scene, paintbrush in hand and head tilted. Earbuds were popped in her ear, and her foot tapped to whatever beat she was listening to.

Milo snuck up behind her, wrapped his hands around her waist, and kissed her cheek. Harper jumped, yanking a bud from her ear, then with a big bright smile, gave Milo a playful shove. “You scared the crap out of me.” She held the paintbrush up, and Milo widened his stance.

“Don’t even think about it,” he said.

A mischievous glint passed through Harper’s hazel eyes. Her hand came back and moved forward just as Milo caught her wrist. He managed to get her hand in front of her and spun her around. “We have a guest.”

Milo let go of Harper’s hand, and she smiled at Nolan before spinning around and swiping her paint brush down Milo’s nose.

Milo drew a finger down his nose through the paint, but instead of clearing it away, he spread it. “You are so going to regret that.”

“We’ll see about that.” Harper turned to Nolan. “Nolan.”

“Put the claws away,” Milo said. “He’s here to help.”

A smile bloomed on Harper’s face. “In that case, welcome to Pinot and Gogh. I’m happy to have you here.”

Nolan laughed. “You don’t have to get that carried away.”

“Good, because this fake smile is making my cheeks twitch.” Her lip quirked, and he knew she was joking. “I am happy you’re here, though. There’s so much to do before my grand opening, and any extra hands is much appreciated.”

“I’m happy to help. I miss work.”

“Why’d you quit then?”

“Considering you know I quit, I can assume Milo filled you in on all the details.”

“Maybe.” She let out a breath. “Okay fine, he told me everything, and I’m sorry. That really sucks.”

“It is what it is. And lucky for you.”

“I’d feel bad taking advantage of your free time.”

“No, you wouldn’t.”

“You’re right, I won’t. There’s a tool pouch over there with everything you’ll need. Have fun.” She patted his back and went back to her half-finished mural. She popped her earbuds in, stared for a moment, then got to work.

Milo returned from the rear area, no more paint on his nose and a donut in his mouth. “Harper has donuts in the back if you want one. There’s one jelly left, but I’m willing to let you have it.”

“I’m good for now.”

“Suit yourself.”

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