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“Didn’t you buy a vibrator at Raelyn’s sex toy party?” Olivia asked.

“Only because I felt like I had to buy something. It’s still in the box under my bed.” Harper hadn’t even wanted to go to that party, but Olivia and Isla had guilted her into it. Plus, Raelyn never turned down an invitation, and Harper had felt obligated to go. It turned out to be a lot of fun, and a few weeks later, she was the proud owner of a brand-new vibrator.

“Take it out then.”

“And what am I supposed to do with it?” She tossed it under her bed and never thought about it again. Maybe only once or twice, but she could never bring herself to use the rabbit-shaped piece of plastic.

Olivia laughed. “If I have to explain then we have bigger problems than I thought.”

Harper gave up on the blue paint and met Olivia’s gaze. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Oh good,” Isla said. “I didn’t want to have to go dig out my seventh-grade health class textbook.”

Harper lifted her hand. “I’m not even going to ask why you still have it.” She dropped her hand and focused on the blue paint again, picking at the smear. “Why the hell does it have to be shaped like a rabbit?”

Olivia’s eyebrow arched. “Who cares what it’s shaped like?”

“Rabbits are so cute and innocent. It feels like I’m going to violate it.”

This time Isla laughed. “You are way overthinking this, and that’s coming from me, someone who has made a hobby out of overthinking. Stop thinking, pull your pants down, and let it work its magic.”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s an option.”

“At this rate it’s your only option.” Olivia took a sip of her water. “Unless you find theoneguy you haven’t encountered on that dating site in the next couple of days.”

“This is what my life has come to.”

“Could be worse,” Isla said.

God only knew where Isla would go with this, but Harper was curious enough to ask. “How?”

“You could be like Maid Marian in Robin Hood Men in Tights and be stuck in a chastity belt. Then you wouldn’t even be able to take care of yourself.”

“I really want to know…” Olivia said. “How in the world did she go to the bathroom?”

“It was a movie,” Harper said.

Olivia’s eyebrows knitted above the bridge of her nose. “But didn’t those things exist?”

“I have no idea.”

Milo strolled into the diner and B-lined it to their table. “What’d I miss, ladies?”

Harper shot the girls a look, silently pleading for them to keep their mouths shut.

“Menstrual cycles and PMS,” Olivia said.

Harper nodded a thank you, and Milo’s nose wrinkled. “While you’re eating? Aren’t there better topics to talk about?”

“Like what?” Isla asked.

“Pretty muchanythingelse.”

“How’s business?” Olivia asked, and Harper sighed in relief at the subtle topic change. “Summer is practically here, so I’m sure we won’t see you as much.”

“Au contraire. I’m expanding. I just hired Hal. Now that the AC in his van is fixed, he said he’ll take shifts on nights he’s not playing and some during the day.” Hal was a local entertainer in his late forties, mostly known for his Alice Cooper cover act. Hal liked to pick up odd jobs here and there to keep his schedule free and to support his music endeavors. Milo thought he was the perfect addition to his company.

“Wait a minute.” Harper’s hand went up. “You’re going to let him drive people around in the creeper van?”

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