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“They never get it right,” Harper said.

“Have a great day and tell Sofia congratulations for us. Someone has a lease to go sign.” Milo’s smile beamed as he turned toward her. She still couldn’t believe she’d agreed to let him pay the rent on the building until she was on her feet. But after Mrs. Garrick’s death, Harper realized life was short, and if she waited for the right time, she’d be waiting for the rest of her life.

She was ready to start taking the front seat on the highway of life, and with Milo’s financial backing, she was already in the fast lane, driving toward her dreams. And how lucky was she that Milo was right beside her?

Her jokester best friend, the man who’d seen her at her very worst and still loved her anyway, truly was her soulmate. She’d been lucky in a lot of things, but none of that mattered to her anymore. Those obstacles only made her appreciate this man that much more.

She was in love with her best friend, and she couldn’t imagine a better happy ending.


Nolan’s name flashed on the screen, and Milo slipped his phone out. He hadn’t talked to his friend in a couple weeks, and they were in need of some catching up. Maria had shown her sister-in-law the glasses and she had some pricing questions for Harper. He had time to take a quick call.

He answered. “Hey dude. What’s going on?”

“I’m coming home,” he said, and Milo’s eyebrow quirked.

“To Morgan’s Bay?” Nolan hadn’t even as much as visited since he and Isla had broken up. Nolan had said there was nothing left for him in their town anymore.

“That’s my only home.”

“No, you have a home in Washington. You haven’t been in town in years. What about your job?” His job was why he’d left in the first place.

“It’s a long story.” Nolan had an amazing job working at a hedge fund that was on the cutting edge of technology. “I’ll be there next week. Let’s grab a burger at McConnell’s, and I’ll tell you all about the shitstorm that is my life.”

“Yeah sure. You staying at your parents’ place?”

“Yup. The last tenants moved out a few weeks ago, and they haven’t gotten anyone new to take the place, so I swooped in.”

Oh boy. His parents’ house just so happened to be the house next door to Isla’s grandma’s house—the same house Isla just inherited… There was no way in hell Milo was going to break it to Isla or to Nolan. He was just going to keep this information to himself and see how things played out.

“So, uh, how’s Isla doing?” Nolan asked, and Milo could hear the longing in his friend’s voice.

“She’s doing all right, considering.”

“Thanks for letting me know about Mrs. Garrick. I would’ve come to the funeral, but I got tied up with things here and couldn’t leave.”

“It’s all good. I hate to say it, but it was probably for the best.” Isla and Nolan didn’t exactly end on good terms. Reuniting at Isla’s grandmother’s funeral would have been a terrible idea.

“You’re probably right.” There was a loud thump on the other end of the phone. “Hey, I got to go. I’ll call you when I get in town.”

“Sounds good,” Milo said and hung up the call.

Harper came out of the house, and he shoved his phone in his pocket.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“No one.” He tried to keep his face and neutral as possible, but he could feel his cheeks straining, and his gaze shifted to the ground.

Harper’s eyebrows pulled down, and she poked him in the chest. “Why are you lying?” Her hazel eyes narrowed in on him.

“I’m not.”

“Milo Joseph, I have known you long enough to know when you are lying to me, and right now, you’re lying, so out with it.”

He sighed. “It was Nolan.”

“Oh! Why didn’t you say so? How’s he doing?”

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