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“You, many times.”

“Keeping you on your toes.”

“You’re about to be off your toes.”


Before she could react, he bent his shoulder and came at her, taking her in his arms and lifting her off the ground. He twirled her around, her hair whipping around and covering her face.

“Milo!” she yelled through laughter as he ran them past the girls and toward the beach. “I swear if you throw me in the water, you’ll be sorry.”

His hold tightened on her, and for a moment she relished in the strength and warmth of his arms. Memories from the other night popped into her head, reminding her of how good it felt to have his mouth on hers, his hand gripping her hips and his fingers exploring every inch of her body.

When she snuck out of his room, she instantly wanted to go back, and thought about doing just that until the first rays of sun filtered through her blinds. He hadn’t touched her since.

She forced the disappointment away and relished in the now. She kicked her legs as they got closer to the water. “Milo! My cellphone.”

He came to a stop at the edge of the water and placed her on the ground.

“Saved by the electronic,” he said.

She smiled her victory and shoved him as hard as she could. He lost his footing, his weight shifting to his bad leg before collapsing into a crashing wave.

“My cell phone is in the Jeep.”

Water dripped from his hair and down the strong lines of his face; his t-shirt clung to taut muscles. She could make out the light splattering of hair on his chest. “You lied!”

“Being quick on your feet doesn’t necessarily mean speed.”

She turned away victorious when wet arms wrapped around her and dragged her under the icy cold water of the Atlantic.


Milo shook off the water and sat in the sand beside Mrs. Garrick. There’d been a permanent smile on her face since she got into the wheelchair he’d masterminded.

“I can’t thank you enough,” she said, her eyes following the girls. “This is everything. I never thought I’d see the ocean again.”

“I was happy to help and so were Jasper and Shane.”

“Yes, those sweet boys. Please send them my sincere gratitude. I’d bake them brownies, but… I don’t have the strength anymore.”

“It’s okay. I don’t need them thinking you make baked goods for just anybody.” He gave her a wink, and her smile widened before her gaze drifted back to the water.

Isla and Liv had run off toward Harper. Milo watched as Harper wrung her hair dry as she spoke with their friends.

“When are you going to tell her?” Mrs. Garrick took her gaze away from the girls who were now standing where the water met the sand and looked at Milo.

Confusion tugged at Milo’s brow. “Tell who what?”

“I might be dying, but I haven’t lost my wits. You’re in love with Harper. Always have been, but now you know it.”

He shook his head. “No—”

“Don’t argue with a dying woman, it’s bad form.”

A smile played at the corner of his mouth. Even with her days numbered, Mrs. Garrick didn’t pull any punches. And she was right. He did love Harper. Always had. Always would. Somewhere between the nightly cuddles on the couch and the never-ending banter, he’d fallen in love with his best friend. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Of course it matters.”

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