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He couldn’t believe it himself. It was like something had taken over his mind and body and was making him act crazy. He cleared his throat and took a step back. He forced a smile, hoping to break the tension around them. “What was this guy’s problem? Too high maintenance? His eyebrows were more groomed than yours?” He laughed, trying to prove that nothing had changed between them, but it was lackluster at best.

Harper tossed her bag onto the loveseat and sighed. “I would have preferred high maintenance. I’m not sure the last time this guy brushed his hair… or if he knows what a brush is. Also, don’t think he has discovered deodorant yet.”

“Oh man, double whammy.”

She nodded. “I thought…” Her voice trailed off, and she shrugged. “He sounded good on paper.”

“Don’t they always?”

“I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed. Night.” She started toward her room.

“Harper,” he blurted.

She turned back to him, eyes filled with hope and wonder. “Yeah?”

He could go to her right now, sweep her off her feet, and carry her to bed… have a replay of the best sex he’d ever had. She was right there, and he knew deep in his gut she would welcome him with open arms. But sleeping with her had turned him into someone he didn’t recognize. He couldn’t sleep with her knowing she was dating other guys.

Instead of going to her and devouring her in a kiss, he forced a smile. “Night.”

Chapter 14

Milo had spent the last couple of days coming up with a way to get Mrs. Garrick out to see the ocean without having to carry her—which he would do if it came down to it. He made a promise, and he was intent on keeping it. He’d found a few tutorials online about converting an existing wheelchair, but he didn’t have a wheelchair to work with. He had to improvise.

He recruited Jasper and Shane to help him out. Jasper was a science teacher, so he was used to thinking logically and coming up with a plan of action. Shane was good with his hands and knew his way around a toolbelt. Milo needed the skills of both to bring his idea to fruition.

“What’s the game plan?” Jasper picked up a fat tire and examined it. He placed it on the makeshift table and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

“I’m glad you asked.” Milo reached for the folded piece of paper in his back pocket and slapped it on the table. “I found these two do it yourself ideas on the internet, so I think the three of us can find a way to take elements of both and make our own.”

Shane dragged the paper toward him with his finger. His eyes squinted slightly as he read. “I think we can figure something out.”

Jasper looked at the paper next and his eyebrows pulled together, a sure sign he was in deep thought while his mind worked out a solution. He grabbed a pencil and started writing, his hand moving faster than Milo could keep up with. After a few moments, he put the pencil down and handed the paper to Milo, and Shane glanced over his shoulder.

“Smart,” Shane said. “Use PVC to make the frame and canvas to make a seat then connect the fat tires.”

“Think you can build something like that?” Jasper asked.

Shane smiled. “Definitely.”

“And this is exactly why I asked you two here.”

“Why don’t you go get us some drinks?” Jasper said. “The grownups have it from here.”

Milo shoved Jasper’s shoulder. “Asshole.” He snapped his finger and walked backward toward the door. “You going anywhere tonight?”

Jasper shook his head. “Nope, I’ll take a beer.”

“I have to head to the pub later. Water is fine.”

“You got it.” Milo headed into the house and to the kitchen. His eyes lingered on the refrigerator, remembering Harper’s body pressed against the cold steel, his hands roaming her body, his tongue sliding erotically along hers.

His dick throbbed at the memory. He forced the visions from his mind and grabbed a bottle of Hippity Hop IPA for Jasper and a water for Shane. He turned around and nearly dropped both drinks at the sight of Harper. Her hair was down and gathered over her right shoulder, stopping just shy of the curve of her breasts. The shorts she wore cut high on her thighs, revealing sun-kissed skin. He remembered how soft her skin felt beneath his fingertips, and he bit back the overwhelming desire to pin her up against the fridge again.

He cleared his throat. “H-hey.”

“Hey.” She moved by him in a gust of coconut. “What are you doing with a beer?”

He glanced at the beer in his hand and remembered why he was in the kitchen in the first place. “It’s for Jasper. He and Shane are helping me with a project.”

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