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“I didn’t know she had date.” He had been purposely avoiding her, spending more time out of the house, but they were still talking. Why hadn’t she told him?

“Oh, I assumed you did.”

“Who is he?” Harper hadn’t mentioned anyone… then again, if he hadn’t been avoiding her, she would have told him.

Olivia waved her hand like it was no big deal, but it was ahugedeal. “Another online guy. He works with disabled youth, and she said he seems promising.”

Every muscle in Milo’s body tightened and every vein strained. “Promising, really?”

“You okay? You look like your head is going to explode.”

He gritted his teeth and inhaled deeply through his nose. “I’m fine. I just thought she had glasses to paint for Sofia’s graduation.”

“She painted a couple extra last night.” Olivia’s perfectly sculpted eyebrow lifted skyward. “You two do live together, right? She said she was up until one in the morning getting them done.”

Milo rubbed at the tension in his neck. “I passed out early last night.” More like he’d gone in his room, claiming to be tired, but really didn’t want to share a couch when all he wanted to do was share a bed.

Life with Harper had always been the best part of his day—getting to see her every day, spending nights together watching TV and bullshitting about their day were reasons he loved living with his best friend. Now…now life with Harper was a complicated mess, and he wasn’t sure she realized. For the most part, she seemed oblivious to the awkwardness and his constant attempt to dodge her. If it were the other way around, he’d know something was off in a heartbeat.

It was what he feared all along. He was attached and she wasn’t. She didn’t notice anything out of the norm because sex with him didn’t affect her the way sex with her affecting him. He wanted her so desperately, yet at the same time, he almost wished he could rewind time and stop himself before grabbing her wrist and yanking her into that kiss.

That kiss had changed everything, and while she might not have noticed, he had. How was he supposed to go home, sit down on the couch, and talk to her about her date with a guy who wasn’t him? He hoped her date was another dud, but just as quick as the thought entered his mind, guilt ate at his gut.

Harper deserved someone great, and it wasn’t fair that every date she had ended in disaster. Didn’t these guys know how lucky they were to even have a chance with her? If not, they were blind idiots, and they didn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as she did.

He sat up on the couch, waiting for her like an angry father about to pounce. He straightened, resting his hands on his thighs, and forced himself to get a grip. It was a date. It’s not like she went off and married some guy.

What he had offered her was help getting off, not a happily ever after love affair. She had every right to continue dating, to go after the dream she was searching for, so why was he so angry?

The door creaked opened, and Harper stepped in. Her long legs were barely covered by a short black spaghetti strap dress that hugged her slight curves to perfection. His eyes roamed down the silky bronzed skin of her calves to the flat sandals on her feet. She always wore flats on dates to meet guys, because she was afraid she’d be taller than them.

He loved her in heels. They put her right at eye level with him.

She eased the door shut, putting extra attention on keeping it quiet. She was always considerate like that.

“How was your date?”

She jumped and grabbed her chest. “Milo, holy shit.”

“You’re home late. Guessing you finally got to take advantage of your stash.” His jaw clenched at the thought of another guy’s hands on her slender waist and his lips…

Milo bit the inside of his cheek, using pain to clear his head.

Her head tilted, and she took him in. “Are you jealous?”

“What? No. I-I’m just making conversation.”

“And you immediately start off with asking if I fucked the guy?”

Her foul mouth never bothered him, she had a habit of dropping expletives, most of the time he found it cute that someone so innocent could be so unaware of the curses flowing from her lips. But this time, it was like an unexpected uppercut to the gut.

The harsh word like nails on a chalkboard. He stood from the couch and moved toward her. “Did you?” he asked, pinning her with his gaze. Her tongue snaked out, swiping at her bottom lip, and his cock jumped at the erotic sight.

“Why do you want to know so bad?”

He heard the challenge in her tone, and he knew well enough that it was time to step down, but he couldn’t.

Even if what they had was just sex, couldn’t she have waited at least a week? He moved until he could feel her heat radiating off her body, see the rise and fall of her chest and hear the slight gasp at his boldness.

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