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“With my job, I have to put on a happy face and be nice, so when I’m not at work, I can finally let loose all the anger that’s been building inside me.”

“I thought you worked with disabled youth.”

He scratched his head and looked around. “I did up until a couple of months ago when I got fired.”


“It’s why I go to the rage rooms. My new job, working with the public, is stressful. I miss my kids and all because of a misunderstanding.”

“What happened?” If it was a misunderstanding, then there had to be something that could be done to get him his job back.

The waitress came with his drink and took their order. Harper handed over the menu, eager to continue the conversation.

When the waitress left, Harper pounced on the subject. “So, what happened?”

He scratched his head again, and she wondered if it was a nervous tick. “I kind of lost one of the kids.”

Her eyes widened, and she leaned in her chair. “Lost? How do you lose a kid?”

“It’s actually quite easy.” He laughed, but Harper didn’t see the humor.

“Is it now?” she said. Tom had been a kid once, and he was eager to meet new people and explore, but she’d never lost track of him. She kept her eyes glued on him at all times, never letting him at of her sight.

“We were on an outdoing at the local petting zoo, and I turned to talk to the zookeeper for not even a second, and next thing I know the little guy took off. We found him thirty minutes later. He somehow joined another group. Finally someone had noticed him.”

“Poor guy, but that doesn’t seem so bad. I mean you found him, and he was safe.” She still didn’t think he should’ve taken his eyes off the kid since he was in charge of watching over him, but still it had a happy ending.

“They accused me of flirting with the zookeeper.”

“Were you?”

“No. Maybe. She was cute.”

“But you were working, and you were responsible for those kids.”

“Spare me the lecture, sweetheart.”

The term of endearment coming from his mouth sounded dirty and she cringed. “I’m not your sweetheart and never will be.” She grabbed her bag and stood. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“If it’s not obvious, I’m leaving.”

“The food hasn’t come out yet.”

“I’m suddenly not hungry anymore.”

He met her eyes. “Look, I’m sorry. Sometimes I can be a little much, but I promise I’m a nice guy who really just wants to get to know you better. Give me until the end of our meal, and if you still feel like leaving, I won’t stop you.”

Her stomach betrayed her and growled, reminding her how hungry she was. She placed her bag on her chair and sat down. “Okay, I’ll stay. For now.”


Milo strolled into McConnell’s pub and took a seat at the bar. He was in between calls, and nothing new had come in. He was hungry and could really go for a burger.

“Hey,” Shane said from his place behind the bar. “Wasn’t expecting you in here tonight.”

Olivia reached around Shane and grabbed a cherry. “That’s because Harper’s on a date, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself.”

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