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He cupped her face again and brought his gaze to hers. It broke his heart to see the disappointment and guilt in her hazel eyes. She was always so damn hard on herself. She had no reason to be. Her mom wasn’t the easiest person to deal with, and while Milo hoped Judy would one day get her life on track, that didn’t seem to be anytime soon, and Harper couldn’t take it personally. “I can’t leave unless I know you’re good.”

Her lips parted. He wanted to sweep her up in his arms and carry her to bed, shut the door and lock the world out. When it was just the two of them, nothing mattered, and the universe seemed to settle into place.

Her head rested against his forehead, and she exhaled. “I’m good.”

Even though she said she was okay, he didn’t want to leave her. He still wanted to wrap her in his arms and force the world away until her tears were dry and her lips were smiling again.

“Harp?” Olivia’s voice floated through the house. Milo let his hand fall and stepped back just as Olivia and Isla came into the kitchen.

Olivia’s eyebrow arched. “Oh!”

“I was just leaving.” Milo squeezed Harper’s arm and walked out the door, knowing she was in good hands.

Chapter 12

The party went on as if Mom hadn’t showed up. No one mentioned the disaster that was her mother, for which Harper was eternally grateful for the small town that continued to look the other way when necessary. After Milo left and Olivia and Isla came into the kitchen, they convinced her to rejoin the festivities.

Tom had been none the wiser that Mom had even showed up, which was just as well. He was having a blast, and Harper didn’t want that taken from him for any reason.

Milo had returned, told her that Mom was off to bed and then Harper hadn’t seen him much since. She’d tried searching him out a few times, but her attempts were futile. She’d given up. This was his party, and he deserved to spend it however he wanted. If he wanted to be near her, then he would find her. It’s not like she was hard to find.

She sat around the bonfire, Tom on her left roasting marshmallows, and Mrs. Garrick on her right observing everyone. She had a blanket around her legs and a sweater wrapped tightly around her shoulders. Harper didn’t want to think about her illness or that she didn’t have much time left. She’d rather focus on the present moment.

She grabbed a stick and handed it to Mrs. Garrick. “You can’t sit around the bonfire and not roast a marshmallow.”

Mrs. Garrick took the stick in her hand and attempted to shift forward. She had difficulty, and Harper jumped up to help her get into a comfortable position. “Thank you, dear.” She placed her stick over the fire and a smile lifted at the corner of her lips.

Harper got her own stick and placed a marshmallow on the end before holding it over the fire. “Do you know the first marshmallow I ever roasted was at your house?” Her eyes drifted from the flames to Mrs. Garrick’s blue eyes. “I was only seven, but it was one of the best summers of my life.”

“We had a lot of great summers, didn’t we?”

“Too many to count.”

Mrs. Garrick stared at the flames for a long moment. “It’s what makes this easier. I’ve been so lucky. I lived my life, and then I got to live my life again through my kids and then my grandkids. I’ve lived many lifetimes, and every one was better than the last.”

She pulled the marshmallow from the flames, and Harper got her a square of chocolate and two graham crackers to complete her s’more. She took a bite and closed her eyes as if she was savoring every single second. Her chest rose and fell as she held the last of her s’more. “I’m worried about Isla.”

“You don’t have to worry about her,” Harper said. “Me and Liv will take care of her. Charlie’s Angels, remember? There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for that girl.”

“You’ve always been a good friend, and she’s so lucky to have you in her life. But now that Olivia has Shane and you have Milo.”

“Milo and I are just friends,” Harper said.

“For now.”

Harper went to argue, but for some reason her words stuck in her throat.

“I’m afraid she’ll never find happiness again.”

“She’s happy.” Isla always had a smile for strangers, and for the most part was upbeat and perky.

“You and I both know she hasn’t been truly happy since that disaster with Nolan. I don’t think she’s ever forgiven herself.”

Harper couldn’t argue. It was why Isla hadn’t had a date since she and Nolan broke up and why she was an expert on vibrators. “I think she’ll get there in her own time.”

“I hope so. I’m just sad I won’t be around to see it.”

“But you will,” Harper said. “You might not be here physically, but a piece of you will always be with Isla. And besides, we all know you’ll weasel your way into front row seats from your view above to keep a watchful eye over all of us.”

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