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“She’s gained that strength from everything she’s endured, and because of that, she tends to hide behind it. Most people don’t even realize, and I doubt she notices.”

“No, she doesn’t,” Milo said.

“But I bet you do.” She smiled. “A good man always does.” Mrs. Garrick pulled her sweater tighter despite the sun beating down on them. “I miss the ocean.”

“Then you should go,” Milo said.

“I’m too weak to get there, and the wheelchair doesn’t work on the sand.”

“I’m sure we can figure something out.”

She took his hand, and the contrast between the two were unmistakable. Mrs. Garrick was once a strong woman full of life, now she was wilting away to skin and bones. “You were always the resourceful type.”

He held onto her a little longer than necessary, fully aware that it could be the last. He refused to think that though. “I promise you’ll see the ocean.” He had no idea how, but he’d find a way. She deserved it, and Isla deserved to have the memory to hold on to.

Isla came back and offered her grandma a water. Isla’s blonde hair was down, one side brushed behind her shoulder and the other draping over. “Thanks for keeping her company.”

“It’s been my pleasure. Enjoying the party?”

“Of course. Though, I’m still waiting for you to bust out the karaoke machine.”

He laughed. He was known to take the mic and put on a full-blown show with his favorite hits, including Born in the U.S.A. by Springsteen. “In due time.”

Mrs. Garrick took a sip of her drink and lowered it to her lap. “Can I make a request?”

“For you, anything.”

She smiled, and it pained Milo to see the effort it required her to make that gesture that was once so simple for her. “Summer of ‘69.”

“Bryan Adams fan?”

She nodded. “That man can sing, and those lyrics bring me back.”

“I’ll add it to the set list.”

An unmistakable voice floated across the peaceful day, and Milo spun toward it. Harper’s mom stumbled up the driveway, arms in the air while Hal tried to help steady her.

“Harper is going to flip her lid,” Isla said.

“Excuse me.” Milo took off across the lawn and intercepted a very intoxicated Judy. “Hey Judy, thanks for coming.” He steered her toward the house, hoping to get her in the kitchen with a glass of water and some food before Harper could see her.

Hal tailed him. “I picked her up from Schmidt’s, and she said you invited her.”

“I did.” If it was anyone’s fault, it was his, but when he had seen Judy last, she was sober, and he had hoped that she’d actually stay that way. He should have known better. Harper was going to kill him. “Thanks for making sure she got here safely.”

“Anytime. If you need me to bring her home later…”

“I’ll call you. How’s business otherwise?”

“Booming. Had two more calls come in on my way here.”

“Go take care of those. I got her.”

Hal hurried off, and Judy spun out of Milo’s arms and teetered toward the backyard. “Party’s this way!” She pointed. “And I’ve come to see my perfect daughter. Where is she? Being a perfect angel, drinking water and eating fruit salad.”

Milo had no idea what she was talking about, and it didn’t matter. All that mattered was sobering her up. “I think she’s in the house. Come on. Let’s go find her.”

Judy took a second to think about it. Her lips pursed together and swished back and forth. She raised her finger and booped Milo on the nose. “Are you trying to hide me?”

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